The Expositor from Brantford, Ontario, Canada (2024)

A A A THE EXPOSITOR, BRANTFORD, Thursday, Oct. 10, 1957 Extra for Fall and Winter Repairs? List Unused Items "For Sale" Get Extra Now! Nursing Homes GOLDEN Years Rest Home, 104 Brant Avenue. Spacious! Homey! Congenial companionship. Excellent nursing care. moderate rates.

PL 2-5059. 18 tf Florists OCTOBER Special! Perennial flower sale. Inquire for group variety at reduced prices. Dial PL 2-7529 931 Nov 3 110 Notices 10 FACTORIES! Students! Hot dogs 15c; hamburgs 25c. Delivered! PL 3-2258.

12 LONDON Free Press. For norning delivery and information, PLaza 2-8930. 13 WHEN mother is ill and children require care during day, the Red Cross Homemakers can help you. Call Miss Patterson, 9-5, Monday to Friday. PL 3-4189, 594 Oct 27 CANCER Society, Mrs.

Norton, 31 Egerton, PL 2-8661, PL 2-7815. 10 tf Donald Wiedrick, of 48 Terrace Hill Street, Hereby give notice that after publication of this advertisem*nt. I will not be responsible for any debts incurred in my name by any other person than myself. Signed: Donald Wiedrick. Date: October 8, 1957.

C53 12 4.11 Lost 11 PROPANE tank, lost between Newport and Brantford. Finder please phone PL 2-2083. Reward 421 15 13 Male Help Wanted 13 C13 SATURDAY CLASSES COMMENCING OCT 19 IN REFRIGERATION AIR CONDITIONING OIL BURNER SERVICE MACHINE SHOP DIESEL DRAFTING Keep present income while learning a profitable trade. GET COMPLETE DETAILS AND FREE BOOKLET. ABSOLUTELY NO OBLIGATION MAIL COUPON NOW Standard Engineering Institute Box 260 Expositor Name Address City C13 COST CLERK Applicant must have necessary educational background or experience.

Exceptional opportunity with leading manufacturer. Employee "benefits with pension plan. Apply Massey-HarrisFerguson Ltd. 'M' Foundry Personnel Department C13 MECHANICAL DRAFTSMAN Senior grade Mechanical Draftsman is required by Steel Products: Industry in the Niagara Peninsula. Good opportunities, excellent employee benefits.

Write full details covering previous experience to Box 259 Expositor C13 Farm Agent Large volume petroleum route available. Small amount of capital required to handle. Knowledge of the Burford area would be helpful. Excellent remuneration. Apply Box 273, Expositor PLACEMENT opportunities with recognized diploma.

Shop classes or home study. Drafting, television, machine shop, high school. Standard Engineering Institute, 123 Burwell dial PL 3-2359. C36 Nov EXPERIENCED dairy farmer. Must be independent, up to $200 monthly; holidays, modern accommodation, hydro, fuel, milk supplied.

Write Box 217 Expositor. TV repairman. Some experience required. Excellent opportunity for advancement. Employee benefits.

Box 221, Expositor. R136 12 MAN to work in grocery store and stockroom. Box 242, Expositor. SALESMAN! Our company offers a wonderful opportunity for a salesman in Brantford, Woodstock, Galt and Preston territory, between age 25 and 50 years. Must be married and have car, and be able to manage own territory.

Repeat business assured; calling on all independent business men. Our company is well established in these territories now, with office in centre of Brantford: drawing against commissions; hospital benefits. If you are interested in a permanent position a future, apply Gordon Hill. 91 Erie Avenue, Brantford, Thursday, October 10, between 11 a.m, and 5 p.m. EXPERIENCED toolmakers, machinists, and tool-crib attendant.

Full employee benefits. Union shop, Apply Bradley Machine Co. 38 Clarence Street. 309 15 WANTED Heating, refrigeration. air conditioning service men.

No experience required. Practical training provided where necessary to willing applicants. Send name, age, phone number, and present employment to Box 263. Expositor. 14 Female Help Wanted 14 C14 STENOGRAPHER for Personnel Department of large manufacturing concern.

5-day week, all employee benefits. Apply to Box 256, Expositor BEAUTY Counselor, has openings for managers; counselors. Box Expositor for personal 700 Oct 28 terview. RELIABLE woman to mind 3 chitdren, 7, 6 and 4, from 7 until 3.30. No extra work.

Phone PL 2-0216, after 5, 714 Female Help Wanted 14 C14 Outstanding Opportunity Leading American Company requires women who wish to earn extra money, Our products are first ity, nationally advertised, and provide an unlimited scope of Our proven sales plan guarantees steady, repeat. year-round business. There 19 no delivering or collecting of money, and you' choose working hours best suited to you, For complete details without obligation write Dept. 106, Newton (Canada) DunPeggy. Ontario.

All replies answered. OFFICE CLERK Required For Accounts Office Apply T. Eaton Co. Ltd. C14 TYPIST Order clerk for billing dept.

Speed and accuracy essential. Full employee beneftis. Apply to A. G. Spalding Bros.

ELDERLY couple need competent housekeeper, 9-2 p.m. 5-day week. Five rooms, 1 floor, no heavy laundry, Dufferin near Brant Avenue. Write particulars, experience, references, wages. Box 246, Expositor.

277 11 WOMAN for housework, days weekly, No washing or waxing, live out. Box 255, Expositor, HIGH -school graduate to assist 11 dental office. Apply Box 249 Expositor. 328 12 GIRL or woman to help in home; sleep in. Phone PL 3-3571.

WOMAN to wait on table three nights per week. Apply The Brunswick, 95 Dalhousie Street. 407 18 EXPERIENCED waitress wanted. Apply Athena Restaurant, 75 Colborne. 408 18 15 Male Female Help 15 Wanted C15 THE RCAF HAS limited openings for young men and women to train in over 90 interesting and rewarding trades including AIR FORCE POLICE CLERKS, ACCOUNTING CLERKS, TYPISTS MEDICAL ASSISTANTS METEOROLOGICAL OBSERVERS And for Grade XII and XIII Graduates, an interesting career awaits you in Aircrew.

For full information visit the RCAF MOBILE RECRUITING UNIT in the BRANTFORD ARMORIES EVERY FRIDAY From Noon to 6.00 p.m. REQUIRE 6 full-time and 6 part- time salesmen or women to sell beautiful hand-carved picture frames. Apply 13 Harriett Street. between 9-5. 384 15 16 Agents Wanted 16 SELL! Everyday cards; Christmas cards, gift wrap.

64 Leonard Street. 193 Nov 7 $3.00 hourly, even without experience! Any man or woman interested in earning $3.00 hourly distributing 200 famous home and necessities, including teas. coffees, extracts, medicines, toiletries. waxes, farm insecticides and established customers in tonics to neighborhood route on full or spare time basis should promptly write Mr. G.

Laurin, President Paula Company Limited, 21 St. Paul Street East, Montreal. 339 15 START now with a permanent yearround business: Dealers needed Brantford, Burford, Cainsville, in: Scotland. You can earn $50 to $75 weekly, with our wonderful line of necessities, needed daily. Full details and free catalogue op M.

Baker, Department request. 1600 Delorimier, Montreal. 986 11 extra money in spare time. EARN No experience necessary. Show beautiful Christmas cards to your friends.

Large variety of Christmas and everyday assortments, staribbon, wrappings, and tionery, novelties. Free folders showing personal cards. Generous profits and bonus on volume. Write today for samples. Douglas Greeting Card Company, 50-BB Bleeker.

Street, Toronto. Nat 511 17 Instruction 17 PIANO lessons Technique, tone, interpretation. Special theory courses. PL 2-9290 Monday to Thursday, 913 Oct 16 PIANO taught (classical and popular): also tuning and repairing. R.

Ramsbottom, PL 2-2863. 53 Oct 18 PIANO and theory instruction. Gwendolyn Harlow A.R.C.T.. R.M.T, 333 Rawdon Street. 110 Oct 19 POSITIVELY guaranteed! Popular piano.

Beautiful fast results. Demonstration. PL 3-4682. 21 TAP. acrobat, ballet lessons.

Private; class. Beginners, advanced students. Barbara Edwards, PL 3-5389. 26 ELOCUTION (speech) theory, instruction. Stammerers helped.

Mrs. Cronkhite, PL 2-9094." 10 tr BATON twirling and acrobatic lessons. Phone Joyce Jaques, PL 3-5560 43 Nov FRENCH teacher will teach conversation French. Box 271. positor.

C32 12 18 Employment Wanted 18 ROTO-tilling, small garden. Prompt service. Dial PL 3-6817. 22 Real Estate for Sale Real Estate for Sale 221 BOX REPLIES 4, 5, 7, 20, 34, 55, 57, 72, 78. 93.

99, 107, 141, 152, 158, 170. 198. 199, 209, 217, 221, 241, 242, 246, 252, 255, 257, 272, 35, 40, 44, 51, 80, 83, 85, 86, 126, 136, 139. 160, 163, 168, 201, 202, 203, 223. 225, 235, 247, 248, 250, 259, 260, 263, Births CODLIN At the Willets Hospital, Paris, Tuesday, October 8, 1957.

to Mr. Mrs. Ray Codlin, a son. A brother for Barbara. MUNDELL Mr.

and Mrs. David Mundell (nee Mary Devlin) wish to announce the birth of a son. on Wednesday, October 9, 1957, at the North Western Hospital, Toronto, 423 11 PARKER Florence and Frank (Nig) Parker wish to announce the birth of a son, Neil Cameron, on Wednesday, October 9. 1957, at St. Joseph's Hospital.

A brother for Kenny, Brent, Patti and Coleen. C54 11 WHITE Mr. and Mrs. William White (nee Ruth Tighe), wish to announce the arrival of their daughter, Kathryn Alice, at the Brantford General Hospital, on October 10, 1957. A sister tor and Warren.

424 11 4 Deaths AYRES In Brantford, at the residence. 235 Charing Cross Street, on Wednesday, October 9, 1957, Ada Bateman; beloved wife of Joseph Ayres, and dear mother of David. Resting Hill and Robinson Funeral Home. Nelson and Queen Streets, until Friday, October 11. Service in the chapel 2 p.m.

Interment Greenwood Cemetery, R139 11 BAULCOMB At the Brantford General Hospital, Tuesday, October 8, 1957, Ellen Carter Baulcomb, 53 Richardson Street, widow of Frank Baulcomb. Resting at Thorpe Brothers' Funeral Home, 96 West Street. Service at St. John's Anglican Church, Friday, October a.m. Interment in Farringdon Burial Ground.

R139 11 GOODWIN At the Brantford General Hospital, on Tuesday, October 8, 1957, Lena Goodwin. of 14 Wilkes Street, widow of Jesse Goodwin: and dear mother of Mrs. Richard (Irene) Mann, of Fort Erie: and Mrs. Harold (Gladys) Cheney, of Brantford. Mrs.

Goodwin is resting at the Beckett Funeral Home until Friday, October 11, for funeral service at. 2 p.m., with interment in the family plot in Greenwood Cemetery. JOHNSON At St. Joseph's Hospital, on Wednesday, October 9, 1957, James George (Jack) Johnson, age 86 years; husband of the late Rachael Mercer, of 95 Emilie Street. Mr.

Johnson is resting at the Beckett Funeral Home until Saturday, October 12, for funeral service at 2 p.m. Interment Mount Hope Cemetery. KAITTING, in A. Harold Darjeeling. (Sparky) India, on October 7, 1957, in his 52nd year; beloved husband of Norma Ruby Kaitting, 10 Glen Park Road, St.

Catharines, Ontario. A memorial service for the late Mr. Kaitting will be held at St. Columba Church, Geneva Street, St. Catharines, on Saturday, October 12, at.

3 p.m. SKELTON At the Brantford General Hospital, Thursday, October 10, 1957, Annie Louise Stevens, of R1 Brantford, widow of George Grey Skelton, age 67 years. Mrs. Skelton is resting at the Beckett Funeral Home until Saturday, October 12, for funeral service at 3.30 p.m. Interment in the family plot, Pleasant Hill Cemetery, Onondaga.

R140 12 Funeral Directors BECKETT Funeral Home, office 88 Brant Avenue. Dial PL 2-4331. Residence phones, Ross Beckett, PL 2-2701; Dick Beckett, PL 2-0253. HILL Robinson Funeral Chapel, 30 Nelson Street. (Sucdessor to Reid and Brown).

Dial PL 2-2543. Residence telephone PL 2-8501. McCLEISTER Funeral Home, 48 Brant Avenue. PL 2-0351. William L.

McCleister, residence PL 2-0271. THORPE Brothers' Funeral Home, 96 West Street. Telephone PL 2-3721. Residence telephones W. A.

Thorpe, PL 3-2462: R. Bruce Thorpe, PL 2-3721. Established 1860. Burial Services MONUMENTS MARKERS LETTERING (Opposite Mount Hope Cemetery) Dial PL 2-8649 S. L.

INGHAM Sydenham at Charing Cross 5 Card of Thanks 5 MRS. Horace Coombs and family wish to express their sincere appreciation to neighbors, friends and relatives, to Rev. R. Matthewman, for many acts of kindness during their recent bereavement, and for the many sympathy cards which are too numerous to personally acknowledge; also to those who so kindly loaned cars. R139 11 6 In Memoriam 6 HAMILTON In loving memory of my dear husband, Oswald Hamilton, who passed away seven years ago today.

Still loved, still missed, and ever dear, There is no link that death cannot sever: Love and remembrance live forever, His loving wife, Mary. 369 11 HEALEY In loving memory of. A dear father and grandfather. George Wallace Healey, who passed away one year ago. Oct.

10, 1956. In our home he is fondly remembered, Sweet memories cling to his name, Those who loved him in life sincerely, Still love him in death just the same. Lovingly remembered by son Wallace, and daughter-in-law, Gertie, and grandchildren. SCARROW In loving memory of A dear sister, Mrs. Harold (Onie) Scarrow, and her three children.

Jimmie, Gordon, and Patsy, who were taken from us so suddenly, October 9. 1954. God took them home it was His will: Within our hearts they liveth still, Always remembered by Bea. Keith and children. 387 11 The Best "Buys" Are Found In The Want Ads C14 HOW TO INSERT A WANT AD If you are downtown come in to our business office and a courteous adtaker will help you with your ad.

Want Ads may be mailed Please state the number of insertions and the dates desired. Want Ads may be telephoned Simply dial PL 3-3131 and ask for an adtaker. WANT ADS RECEIVED BEFORE 5.30 P.M. 'WILL BE PUBLISHED THE NEXT DAY HOW TO "KILL" WANT ADS Want. Ads usually work very quickly and if you ordered your ad to run several times and the first day the ad appeared you get the desired results, just call PL 3-3131 and cancel the other remaining insertions and you will only be charged for the one ad.

CANCELLATION ORDERS FOR PUBLISHED ADS MAY BE GIVEN UP TO 9 A.M. DAY OF PUBLICATION EXPOSITOR "WANT ADS" REACH OVER 75,000 READERS DAILY 18 Employment Wanted, 18 ELECTRICAL, mechanical and acexperience; young man desires opportunity. Write Box 124, Expositor. 20 BAsem*nTS cleaned and, painted, eavestroughs cleaned. PL 3-0949.

21 TYPING done at home, letters, envelopes, etc. Reasonable. PLaza 2-8379. C39 Oct 21 RELIABLE man desires position as caretaker, janitor or References. Phone PL 2-5950.

YOUNG lady desires housework, by the day or week, live out. Dial PL 3-7452. STENOGRAPHERS, typists, general office experts. Beck Business Service. PL 3-3704.

10 tf 19 Wanted to Buy 19 C19 HIGHEST PRICES Paid for furniture, dishes, tools, etc We buy complete home furnishings Eagle Place Sales Arena We Buy You Out or Sell You Out Dial PL 3-0078 2-1705 2-1615 GOOD used furniture. Cash. Any quantity. Frank Long. PL 3-5923 10 tf RAGS.

iron, metal, carpets. 1. Ramer. Dial PLaza 2-5622. 679 Oct.

12 GOOD pigs and shoats. Gordon Shay, Waterford, HI 3-5609, (collect). WE are paying top prices for all types of poultry. Be sure to call us. Burgessville 41J12 or after six PL 3-7156.

Nether Brae Poultry Farm. McKay and Woodworth. 29 tf FURNITURE wanted! Complete household, or any quantity Parkdale Furniture. Highest prices Phone anytime. PL 3-2376.

15 POULTRY of every description. Home and export Bell City Poultry. Gus Farrugie. PL 2-7274. 15 tf OLD stoves and washers, rags metals, iron, odd ends of all kinds.

Phone 839J3. Paris. CABBAGE, immediately, for canning. Dial PL 2-1617. 72 11 -size or small piano.

In good condition. Phone PL 2-8550. 233 11 PIANO, any make or size, will pay cash. make and price. Box 252.

Expositor. 228 Nov 8 BOAT trailer to carry 16' boat, must be in very good condition. Box 245, Expositor. $30 up, for wrecking cars, trucks, Laurie's Auto Wreckers. Used cars, parts.

247 Bruce PL 3-7523. SINGER sewing machine (any condition); chest-drawers; piano. PL 2-2488. 330 Nov 9 FURNITURE and household equipment. Call G.

J. Barron, Auctioneer. PL 2-0441 2-9162. 14itt TUXEDO suit size 44. height 5' 10 yards stair carpet, in good condition.

PL 3-7949. type cabin trailer, sleep six, all conveniences. Dial PL 3-1408. 2409 15 20 Real Estate Wanted 20 WANTED-4, 5. 6 room house or all types of real estate.

Varga and Frank. Realtors, 137 Dalhousie Street. Dial PL 2-9539. 12 CASH for lot in city, from 35' frontage up. PL 3-2104.

R130 Nov 3 WANTED 4, 5. 6 room homes, anywhere. Phone PL 3-1072 anytime. Wm. J.

MacDonald. Realtor, Walnut Street, Brantford. R139 Nov 10 21 Wanted to Rent 21 FOUR-bedroom house. buying optional. Reliable tenants.

Box 122 Expositor. 21 MIDDLE-age couple desire small house. with conveniences, in Terrace Hill district; can give references. Abstainers. Box 243, positor.

THREE-room furnished apartment by quiet middle-age couple. PL 2-4325. between 9 a.m,-5 p.m. 310 11 WOULD like or 5 room lower apartment, or small house; reasonable rent. For couple with four children.

Phone PL 3-7679. 343 15 BUSINESS man and family require two or three bedroom unfurnished apartment or hOuse. Must be self contained. Phone Hespeler OL 8-2574. collect.

356 12 LADY pensioner in good health requires light, housekeeping room. Does not drink or smoke. No objection to baby-sitting. PL 2-9443 or Box 274 Expositor. C54 12 22 Real Estate For Sale 22 CO-OP and exclusive listings.

Mortgages arranged. Call days or nings. F. Sawa, Realtor. 174 North Park Street.

PL 2-6614. t. 17 FOUR -bedroom. 2-storey brick house, now oil air conditioned furnace. Good residential district.

$11.000. $1.000 down, balance $86 monthly. Box 220. Expositor. B1.11 red brick cottage, large living room and kitchen.

34 Holborn, after C22 P. J. HARVEY REALTOR A Fine Home In A Choice Location A home already to move into without costing a lot of money for repairs. alterations or landscaping. Pleasant living room, modern kitchen with dining area, dining room or bedroom, 4-piece bathroom.

Upstairs there are 2 good bedrooms with plenty of closet and storage space. Basem*nt is full size with conveniences and oil fired Aluminum storms and screens. The lot is just the right size and nicely landscaped. Price $9.800 with reasonable financing. Co-op listing N- 342.

Choice Location In Echo Place Five-room ranch style bungalow, brick construction. Paved drive. Patio at rear of house well designed planter box plus landscaping gives this home wonderful appearance. Family size living room, modern kitchen with dining space, 3 well planned bedrooms, 4-piece tiled bath and lots of storage space, Full divided basem*nt. Oil fired furnace, laundry facilities and fruit cellar.

NHA financing Priced to sell at $11,500. Exclusive listing. East Ward Built, home and, is lived in fine in condition for owner, a large family or duplexing. Eightroom full 2-storey red brick in residential section of East Ward. Main floor has large entrance hall, double living room.

dining roomfair size, kitchen and 1-piece bath. Upper floor has 3 large bedrooms, plus a den or a sewing room. Plenty of closet space and 3-piece bath, plus floored attic. Full basem*nt. Oil fired furnace.

Private drive to garage. Look this one over and see if it can be duplicated at a price of $11,500 with $3,000 down and balance on easy terms. Exclusive listing. Seeing Is Believing Something Special This home is a pleasure to walk into. The decorating is lovely--the landscaping is perfect.

Large living room with dining area, modern kitchen with dining space, den or bedroom, 4-piece bathroom with tiled walls. Upstairs there are 2 large bedrooms with plenty of closet and storage space. The basem*nt is very convenient with all utilities plus separate outside entrance, and of course air conditioned heating. Also storms and screens. Price $11.900 with NHA financing.

Co-op listing N-344, Sales Representatives ED WILLIAMS-PL 2-7094 CARL DETWEILER-PL 2-2835 JOHN NESPLIC-Scotland 74J CARL ROADHOUSE--PL 3-2333 "Look for the Sign of the Big H' "A Symbol of Service" 63 DARLING STREET OFFICE PHONE PL 2-7897 C22 HOBBS WAKEFIELD Realtors 395 Colborne Street Phone PL 2-0473 $1,500 Down $8,500 for a big 6-room brick cottage in section of Holmedale, close to Dufferin School. Three bedrooms, large living room, dining room and big kitchen. New hardwood floors, basem*nt with oil furnace, 3-piece bath, private drive and garage. Call Muriel Winegarden, PL 3-0408. Lansdowne Lansdowne Low down payment for A 5-room cottage in a nice residential area.

Living room, 3 bedrooms, kitchen and bathroom. Full basem*nt with oil furnace and laundry tubs. Storms and screens, venetian blinds other extras. Landscaped lot and side drive. Co-op Q-328.

Call Ross Hobbs, PL 3-2189. Terrace Hill $1,500 down for a lovely 4-room cottage newly painted and Situated in section of Terrace Hill on a nice lot close to school and bus line. Two large bedrooms, 22' living room, smart modern kitchen with of cupboards. Modern 4-piece bath, oil furnace in full basem*nt and private drive with garage and fenced lot. Hardwood floors, venetian blinds, aluminum doors and storms and screens.

Full price $8.800. Call Lou Wakefield, PL 3-6565. Vacant Smart 4-room cottage in new subdivision. This home has 2 large bedrooms, modern kitchen with plenty of cupboards and good sized living room. Oil furnace, garage and 4.

piece tiled bath. Owner out of town and this home must be sold. Full price $9.500 with low down payment. Co-op Q-329. Call Stan Hyndman, PL 3-2394.

'Henderson Survey Five-room cottage now under struction on Franklin Street. Three extra bedrooms, lovely big kitchen, living room with cove and stipple ceiling and large picture window, 4-piece colored tile bath, full basem*nt with oil forced air furnace, fruit cellar and laundry tubs. Full price $14,000. See this home now and chose your own colors. Call Mary Brown, PL 3-8134.

C22 VARGA FRANK REALTORS 137 Dalhousie St. Dial PL 2-9539 East Ward Four-room frame cottage and large lot. Features large living room, 2 bedrooms, large kitchen, 1 -piece bath. Full basem*nt. Price $5.500 with only $1,500 down.

Co-op F-344. Lansdowne Five-room house and large lot. Features living room, 1 bedroom, modern kitchen. 3-piece bath. 2 bedrooms on second floor.

Full basem*nt, air condition oil furnace. Price $7,900 with about $2,500 down, Exclusive. Eagle Place Five-room brand new red brick cottage with stone front. Features large living room, 3 bedrooms, modern kitchen, hardwood floors. Full base: ment, air condition oil furnace and laundry tubs, Price $11,200 with about $2,000 down.

Exclusive. Garden Farm 13 Acres garden farm. located, hetween Brantford and Paris. Eightroom house, Only 3 miles from Brantford. Price $10.500 with terins, FOR INSPECTION CALL LLOYD WILLIAMS-PL HAROLD BARNETT 2-8390 ANDY FRANK--PL 3-4190 JOSEPH A.

VARGA- PL 3-5318 C22 C. Gordon TODD Limited REALTOR INSURANCE 116 Dalhousie Opp. the Market DIAL 3-4144 Terrace Hill tiled bath, through hall plan, full basem*nt with oil forced air heating, laundry tubs, all hardwood and tile floors, Immediate possession. This property open for any reasonable offer. For inspection call ED ROY at PL 2-5944.

$2.000 down 40' ranch style rug brick cottage, modern kitchen, large living room, 3 bedrooms, 4-piece Brant Ave. a comfortable family home with modern large kitchen, dining room, living room on first floor; 3 bedrooms and 3-piece bath on second. Brick construction, full basem*nt, coal furnace. Could be duplexed. We will tray $1,800 down.

Mr. P. GRAHAM will be pleased to show you this property by calling 3-4526. A Farm 50-acre sandy -loa farm on the co*ckshutt Road with five-room frame cottage. Two barns, two brooder houses, greenhouse, granary.

Full price $9,250 with $5,000 down. For more information call MATHEW CIUPAK at PL 2-9414. Carolina Park $13,500 $3,300 down payment and balance on NHA mortgage at $65 per month. This home is being built in first class location close to super market. Look at the size of the rooms in this well-planned ranch style; living room 20' 11' kitchen 12' 6" 14' 3 bedrooms 12' 11', 4-piece tiled bath, forced air oil heat; laundry tubs.

For more particulars, call ROY HEDDEN at PL 2-2375. LIST WITH TODD C22 READ McVICAR LIMITED Realtors 129 Colborne Street Phone PL 3-3145 Echo Place red brick with large living room, dining room and kitchen. Three bedrooms and 3- piece bath. Full cellar with laundry tubs, and hot air heating system with oil. Situated on a medium sized lot on a quiet street, close to bus, school and shopping centre.

Exclus- ive. North Ward $14,000 An ideal family home of red brick construction situated on fully landscaped lot close to Dufferin Avenue. This home features 7 spacious rooms, plus full bathroom and 2-piece powder room, full basem*nt and automatic oil heating, private side drive and garage. Call us now to inspect, Terms. Co-op T-338.

Eagle Place $10,000 Here is an ideal home for the large family. Good Hamilton pressed red brick construction of 2- storey design, featuring 4 bedrooms. with ample closet space, family size dining room, living room, spacious kitchen and 3-piece bath. Hot air furnace, private drive and garage. Terms arranged, Co-op T-324.

Echo Place $16,500 Two-storey brick, duplexed, first floor contains large living room, dining room and 2 bedrooms, with hardwood floors, good size kitchen with eating area, tile floor and 4-piece bathroom, very modern. Second floor apartment with living room, kitchen, 3 bedrooms and bathseparate entrance plus 2-car garage, situated on a well treed lot with frontage on the highway. Let us show this property tonight. Terms arranged. Exclusive.

EVENINGS REG HENWOOD- -PL 2-0472 (Gus) AUSTIN IEZZI-PL 3-5764 GEORGE BROWN--PL 2-8817 RUSS GERVAN- 2-0556 KAY BISHOP- PL 2-0872 C22 MISENER WHITE CO. REALTORS George St. PL 3-3173 Open Tonite Six-room brick home, good location. Four bedrooms, 4. piece tile bath.

hardwood and tile floors, full basem*nt, oil furnace. $3,000 down. Exclusive. Five-room cottage, only 3 years old. Three bedrooms, modern kitchen with dining area, 4-piece tile bath, hardwood and tile floors, 2 rooms in basem*nt, laundry room, oil air conditioned furnace, aluminum storm windows and screens and doors.

Priced to sell. Co-op No. I-321, $1,500 down. 7-room, red brick. 4 bedrooms, 3-piece bath, hardwood floors, Full basem*nt, furnace.

Good location. Exclusive. Income property, 4 rooms and bath Four rooms and bath down. Hardwood floors, entrances front and rear, furnaces, double garage. Only 5 minutes' walk from market.

Only $1,000 down. 100-acre farm, about 40 or 50 acres tobacco land, only $16,000. Co-op No. I-323, 14 acres garden property, 8-room brick house, bath, furnace, and $9,700, CLARE SAVAGE- -PL 3-2096 WILFRED WHITE--PL 2-9691 MAURICE WESTBROOK-PL 3-1122 C22 Lovely Cottage High and Dry On Terrace Hill Now vacant, buy today, move in on closing the deal. Lovely clean rooms and 4-piece bath, modern kitchen, tile and hardwood floors, mantel fireplace with log electric unit, awnings and ornamental rail on front.

Lovely fenced in yard and a good lot. The cellar is full size and has coal furnace, heavy wired and gas for cooking. It's a neat cottage and heavily insulated. Reasonable taxes, Priced right at $8,500 with $2,000 down, balance on mortgage only $50 per month including interest. See this one now.

I have the key, It's located at 47 Huff Ave. nice quiet one-way of street. Exclusive listing. Owner out town, call H. E.

PAMPLIN REALTOR PL 2-5752-Office and Home DUKE STREET NO PARKING WORRIES COMING EVENTS RATES word with a minimum charge of $1.00 per insertion. NOTE Ads for this column received before 5.30 p.m. will be published the next day. KIWANIS Opportunity Fair, Brantford Armories. Saturday, October 19th, 10 a.m.

to 10 p.m. Free admission. Merchandise of all types at bargain prices. The best ever. Valuable prizes every hour on the hour.

JUNIOR stamp collectors The first meeting of the Brantford Optimist Junior Stamp Club, will take place at the 1.0.0.F. Temple, corner Darling and Charlotte Saturday morning, October 12th, at 10 a.m RUMMAGE Sale! Saturday morning, October 12th, 9.30, at 22 Colborne, (beside Prince Edward Hotel), Auspices Church of Jesus Christ Latter Day Saints. Good used clothing. 307 12 CHARITY Bingo, every Thursday, 8.20 p.m., Brantford Catholic High School, 152 Dufferin Avenue. Five free draw prizes.

21 games. Admission 50c. STARTING this Sunday night, 8.45, Capitol Theatre, Brantford Youth for Christ presents another challenging program with Bob Bradford, America's outstanding converted ventriloquist. Come and meet our director, Bill James. 340 15 RUMMAGE sale! Friday, October 11, at 10 a.m,, formerly Dell's Store, Dalhousie Street.

Auspices Langford W.A. BAZAAR, tonight. 10.0.F, Temple. Auspices 3-R Club. Free game 8 p.m.

Good prizes, 2 jackpot games. Admission 25c, extra cards 10c. 363 11 22 Real Estate For Sale 22 C22 JEWELL RANDALL REALTORS New Ranch Cottage Rug brick construction, situated in Echo Place near schools and super (market. A one-owner home featuring modern kitchen with built-in cupboards, combination living and dining room, 3 lovely bedrooms, tiled bath, gleaming oak floors, natural 1 trim, full sized divided basem*nt. laundry tubs, oil forced air heating, recreation room space 14' 36', landscaped lot and metal storm and screen sash.

Priced to sell at $13,900 with NHA terms of Co-op L-325. Call us tonight. LLOYD RANDALL-PL 2-1040 0 ROSS KITCHEN--PL 3 3-7753 Executive Home Large brick ranch style, near school in residential area, a one owner home having many extra features, broadloom in the large living room, dining room and master bedroom, plenty of built-in cupboards in the bright cheery kitchen, ample closet and storage space throughout, a 3- bedroom plan built and designed to use the smaller one as a den or child's room. A centre hall and spacious 4-piece bath. The full size basem*nt contains oil forced air furnace, laundry facilities and space for large recreation room.

This fine home is complete with awnings and storm sash, screen sash, large rear patio and landscaped lot. Priced for action at a reduced figure of $15,800, NHA terms of See it now. Coop L-322. FABIAN PUSTAI- -PL 2-3152 R. JEWELL-PL 2-5269 OFFICE: 143 DALHOUSIE ST.

PL 3-4721 C22 FARMS 25 ACRES near St. George Village, modern residence, coal furnace and 3-piece bath, cattle barn 40' 60'. Asking price $11,000. Terms to be arranged. Call Don Jarvis, PL 2-8190, exclusive agent.

100 ACRES near Princeton of first class farm land, drained, 2- storey brick residence, bank 40' 60', implement shed, garage, and chicken house. An excellent at $13,000 or will trade for residential property in Burford, Call Don Jarvis, PL 2-8190, exclusive agent. ACRES on No. 2 Highway near Princeton, 2-storey brick residence, bank 36' 60', 2 pressure SyStems, light clay loam. Asking price $14,000.

Call Don Jarvis, PL exclusive agent. 100 ACRES tobacco land in Burford Township, 6-room brick residence. fully equipped for tobacco with A greenhouse 25' excellent Julius Olojas, 113-J-2 Princeton, I $15,000 will handle. Call supply, 29 MBR. Asking price clusive agent.

100 tobacco land near Burford MBR, 8-room, 2-storey ACRES, residence, pack barn, greenhouse and excellent water supply. $70,000 or will take a modern brick cottage in the city as the down payment. Call Julius Olojas, 113-J-2 Princeton. Ex- clusive agent. L.

M. McLEOD REALTOR Real Estate General Insurance We Have Mortgage Money 170 DUNDAS ST. AT ST. PAUL AVE. DIAL PL 3-4109 RES.

PL 2-6739 C22 William Street Solid 2-storey, red brick home, handy separate and public school. There are 3 large bath bedrooms, The a liv- sun room and 3-piece up. ing room, dining room and kitchen on the main floor are all large, a good basem*nt with coal warm air Theating. side drive and garage with nice lot make this A good family home. It requires some decorating which with done with a price of $8,800.

Immediate possession. We have the key, Co-op L-329. Call FABIAN PUSTAI-PL 2-3152 A. R. JEWELL-PL 2-5269 Jewell Randall REALTORS Dial PL 3-4721 143 Dalhousie Street C22 Store, Apartments, 4 Garages Red brick 2-storey building.

with work- 3-car brick garage, Large store shop or storage, two 3-room apartments with 4-piece baths. Separate meters and entrances. Located on Murray Street. Lots of parking area. Good location.

Price $15,500. Terms. Exclusive. P. A.

SHULTIS CO. REALTORS 48 Dalhousie St. CALL GEORGE MAIN Office 2-6544 Nights 3-1017 RUMMAGE sale! Saturday, October 12. at 9.30 a.m. Brantford Boys' Band Memorial Hall, Marlborough Street.

Auspices St. James' Cub and Scout Mothers' Auxiliary. EUCHRE. Friday, October 11, p.m.. 1.0.0.F.

Hall, auspices of P. and committee; prizes; refreshments. Admission 50c. All welcome. 420 12 CONCLUDING services, with Dr.

W. H. Lee Spratt, Buffalo; tonight and tomorrow. 8 p.m., in Central Baptist Church, Brant Avenue. Notice WINNERS of Columbus Club car draw: Chrysler sedan, Richard Vasseur, 8 Nipigon, Ontario; Plymouth car, James Degeer, 24 Durham Street, Ajax, Ontario.

St. Theresa's Club, Burford Road, would like to thank everyone who sold tickets. 368 11 CORRECTION in winning numbers for Daughters' of England bazaar, Saturday, October 5, was: first prize, ticket No. 880; second, No. 117; third, No.

266. 308 11 22 Real Estate For Sale 22 BUILDING, lot. 3-2292, on after Dundas 5. Street. 256 16 J.

D. FACHNIE REALTOR 23 MINTERN AVE. PL 2-8354 Low Down Payment Five-room brick cottage in good condition. Good basem*nt with furnace. Attractively priced and excellent terms.

$1,500 Down Five-room, 2-bedroom cottage in an excellent location in Eagle Place, Good basem*nt, good furnace, good lot. Full price only $7.000. Reasonable monthly payments. TELEPHONE THE OFFICE OR HAROLD COUCH--PL 3-2171 FRANK STEWART PL 3-0709 C22 3 Ranch Type Model Homes Ready For Immediate: Occupancy REDUCED TO SELL Located On Hickory Place Mohawk Garden Survey Phone PL 3-6884 or PL 2-2713 WANT AD INDEX WHERE TO FIND IT Births Engagements Marriages Deaths Cards of Thanks In Memoriam Nursing Homes 8 Personal 0 Florists 10 Notices 11 Lost 12 Found 13 Male Help Wanted Female Help Wanted 15 Male Female Help Wanted 16 Agents Wanted 17 Instruction 18 Employment Wanted 19 Wanted to Buy 20 Real Estate Wanted 21 Wanted to Rent 22 Real Estate for Sale 23 Holiday Resorts 24 Business Opportunities 25 Real Estate to Rent 26 Apartments to Rent 27 Rooms to Rent 28 For Rent Miscellaneous 29 Resorts to Rent 30 Boarders Wanted 31 Board Wanted 32 Accommodation. Children 33, Wanted Miscellaneous 34 Machinery for Sale 35 Women's Column 36 For Sale Miscellaneous 37 Landscaping 38 Poultry for Sale 39 Chicks for Sale 40 Pets for Sale Livestock for Sale 42 Automotive for Sale 43 Automotive Services 44 Business Services Misc.

44A Notices 45 Auctioneers 46 Builders 47 Cement Work 48 Carpentry 49 Electrical 49A Heating Air-Conditioning 50 Moving and Trucking 31 Painting and Decorating 32 Plastering 33 Plumbing 54 TV and Radio Service Taxis 33 Upholstering 55A Furniture Refinishing 56 Personal 87 Professional-Legal SR Patents.

The Expositor from Brantford, Ontario, Canada (2024)
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Author: Francesca Jacobs Ret

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Name: Francesca Jacobs Ret

Birthday: 1996-12-09

Address: Apt. 141 1406 Mitch Summit, New Teganshire, UT 82655-0699

Phone: +2296092334654

Job: Technology Architect

Hobby: Snowboarding, Scouting, Foreign language learning, Dowsing, Baton twirling, Sculpting, Cabaret

Introduction: My name is Francesca Jacobs Ret, I am a innocent, super, beautiful, charming, lucky, gentle, clever person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.