Gov Whitmer Signs 39 Bipartisan Bills to Strengthen Infrastructure (2024)


July 23, 2024


Gov.WhitmerSigns39Bipartisan Bills to Strengthen Infrastructure, Improve Public Safety, And More

Legislation addresses several administration priorities including infrastructure, public safety, criminal justice, and labor

LANSING, Mich. –Today,Governor Whitmer signed39bills, including36bipartisan bills, into law. This batch of commonsense legislation builds on the administration’s commitment to the kitchen-table issues that make a real difference in people’s lives.Including today’s legislation, Governor Whitmer has signed a record 1,382bipartisan bills into law since taking office.

“Today, I was proud to sign39bills that will make a real difference in people’s lives and deliver on a range of bipartisan priorities,” saidGovernor Whitmer. “Fromraising wages for clean energy workers tobolsteringMichigan’s infrastructure;improvingthecriminal justice system toinvesting in our schools, today’s legislation will build on our strong economic momentum and move Michigan forward. Since I took office, I am proud to have signed 1,382bipartisan bills into law, and I will continue to work with anyone to deliver on the kitchen table issues.Let’skeep getting it done.”

Bills SignedIntoLaw (numerical order)

Senate Bill 175,sponsored by state Senator Sylvia A. Santana (D-Detroit),works to bolster consumer protection by increasing fines for individuals who do not file a transfer of property ownership for non-principal residences. This is intended to address speculative buyers who do not file the transfer of ownershipin an attempt tonot pay the property taxes, ensuring a more predictable and transparent property tax system for property owners.

“This legislation is a crucial step in ensuring fairness and compliance in property tax assessments across Michigan,” saidstateSen. Sylvia Santana (D-Detroit). “By strengthening notification requirements and implementing penalties for noncompliance, we aim to uphold transparency and accountability in our tax system, benefiting bothtaxpayersand local governments.”

Senate Bill 328,sponsored by state Senator Kevin Hertel (D-St. Clair Shores),increasespublic safety byupdatingcertain standards for smoke alarms, prohibiting non-compliant conduct, and outlining civil sanctions for violations. By ensuring fire alarms are up to code, Michiganders will be better protected from fire-related risks, enhancing public safety in our communities. These regulations are important toeach and everyMichigander as they clearly define the specific standards needed for fire protection, allowing for the risks to diminish and ensure safety within our communities.

“As someone who lost much of his childhood home in a fire, I know firsthand how important it is for families to be immediately alerted if the unthinkable happens,” saidstate Sen. Kevin Hertel (D-St. Clair Shores). “With this legislation, we’re working to provide Michigan families with the safety and peace of mind they deserve, while also helping them save money in the long run.”

Senate Bill 350,sponsored by state Senator Rosemary Bayer (D-West Bloomfield), continues to put education first by amending the Michigan Promise Zone Authority Act to provide more financial help for education. Currently, the Act only covers certain school costs, like tuition. This bill expands to cover other important student needs such as housing, food, and transportation. It will also help with fees for federal student loans and other small expenses. By lessening the financial burden of costs associated with higher education, this bill aims to empower more residents to pursue said education.

“Creating promise zones is a commitment to equity in education, providing crucial support for students in underserved communities to pursue their academic dreams,” saidstate Sen. Rosemary Bayer (D-West Bloomfield). “This initiative builds a foundation for stronger communities and a more prosperous Michigan.”

Senate Bill 388andSenate Bill 389sponsored by state Senator VeronicaKlinefelt(D-Eastpointe), put our active-dutymilitary service members, and reserves first, by amending the dormancy periods for certain kinds of unclaimed property owned by active-duty members in Michigan. These bills would extendcertaindormancy periods, (a period where the propertyremainsunused, or dormant) from three years to five. This change aims toprovide more time for service membersto claim their property, reducing the risk of losing the property to the state. The bill directlybenefitsactive-duty members and reserves,giving them adequate time to manage their affairs during their military obligations.

“Ensuring our Michigan veterans come home to a supportive and welcoming community is one of the best ways we can honor the sacrifices they have made for our country,” saidstate Sen. VeronicaKlinefelt(D-Eastpointe). “Together, Senate Bills 388 and 389 will make sure our veterans’ credit union accounts are waiting for them when they return home from service, so they don’t have to worry during deployment.”

Senate Bill 398,sponsored by state Senator Sean McCann (D-Kalamazoo), ensures that state agencies have the tools needed to enforceenvironmental regulations and promptly respond to emergencies by authorizing the director of the Department ofEnvironment, Great Lakes, and Energy (EGLE) to issuewrittenemergency ordersto protect public health and safety. This bill works to make our communities safer, ensuring our government can take swift action in times of emergency without having to navigate complex red tape.

“This legislation empowers the Dept. ofEnvironment, Great Lakes, and Energy (EGLE) to swiftly respond toenvironmental threats, ensuring immediate action to safeguard public health, natural resources, and our state’s ecological balance,” saidstate Sen. Sean McCann (D-Kalamazoo). “It strengthens our ability to protect Michigan’senvironment in times of crisis.”

Senate Bill 449andSenate Bill450,sponsored by state Senator Kevin Daley (R-Lum), make sure the people who need specialized medical equipment, or quality complex rehabilitation technologyhaveaccess to them through the Social Welfare Act and the Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS). The focus of these bills is to reduce the barriers that prevent people from receiving specialized equipment and to increase accessibility. These bills ensure that each Michigander who needs specialized equipment for their medical needs has access to this technology, as well as a clear definition of what equipment falls under that terminology.

Senate Bill 482,sponsored by state Senator Kristen McDonald Rivet (D-Bay City),aims to provide flexibility to medical facilities by allowing someused medical and health materialsto be stored for more than 90 days, before it is disposedof, if it is in acontainer that is no more than 75% full.

“Michigan’s requirements for disposal of medical sharps containers were out of step with national standards, costly and wasteful,” saidstate Sen. Kristen McDonald Rivet (D-Bay City). “With unanimous support from both chambers and Gov. Whitmer’s signature on my bill, we’ve taken action in a practical way to reduce waste, save time, and lower costs for all entities using these containers.”

Senate Bill 501,sponsored by state Senator Darrin Camilleri (D-Trenton), amends the Michigan Vehicle Code topermitvehicles, or a combination of vehicles, with a gross weight of up to 82,000 pounds, powered by electric batteries, to exceed certain axle loading maximums. The bill continues to build on Whitmer’s commitment to creating a cleaner and greener future for Michigan.

“As our state’s automotive industry leads the way toward an all-electric future, legislation like this is necessary to support the adoption and growth of today’s new electric trucks and semis while ensuring they are safely operating on our roadways,” saidstate Sen. Darrin Camilleri (D-Trenton). “I’m proud to do my part as a legislator to get more vehicles that are free from tailpipe emissions operating safely on our roadways, and happy to see the bill signed by the governor.”

Senate Bill 544andSenate Bill 545,sponsored by state Senator VeronicaKlinefelt(D-Eastpointe),establishlicensing for refrigeration facilities to store dead human bodies and certification requirements, along with application fees, for removal services handling deceased individuals. These bills aim to uphold specific regulations to enhance the quality of post-mortem care. By implementing these fees and licenses, the state can ensure that bodies are treated with dignity and will help provide families with trustworthy services for their loved ones after death.

“With our state’s aging population, the question of how our loved ones’ remains are cared for after death is important,” saidstate Sen. VeronicaKlinefelt(D-Eastpointe). “This bipartisan legislation brings much-needed regulation and proper oversight of the disposition of human remains.”

Senate Bill 555,sponsored by state Senator Sarah Anthony (D-Lansing), requires that an individual appointed to a promise zone authority board—a governing body responsible for overseeinga promise zone, which helps to increase educational attainment—residein the promise zone or within reasonable proximity to the zone. This requirement ensures proximity and a deep understanding of the zone's needs. It alsofacilitatesstreamlined growth, fostering prosperous communities across the state of Michigan.

“We understand the transformative power of education and the doors it can open. However, we are also aware of thenumerousbarriers that stand between many Michigan students and a quality education beyond high school,” saidstate Sen. Sarah Anthony (D-Lansing). “For too many, the most challenging obstacle is thehigh costof higher education. By clarifying membership eligibility for Promise Zone boards, broadening the scope of student success initiatives, and providing clearer guidelines for administrative expenses, we will continue to bolster student and economic success through these existing public-private partnerships in our state.”

Senate Bill 571,sponsored by state Senator John Cherry (D-Flint), requires prevailing wage to be paid for certain renewable energy project construction and that contractors register with the state before bidding on a state project. This bill will foster a more competitive andequitableprocess for state projects. It will also prioritize local manufacturing and development, boosting Michigan’s economy and promoting homegrown solutions, ensuring that any business can “Make it in Michigan.”

“This legislation isn’t just about fair compensation; it’s about safeguarding the skills and safety of our workforce,” saidstate Sen. John Cherry (D-Flint). “This law will be instrumental in supporting our state’s transition to clean energy and it’ll ultimately saveus more moneyin the long run.I’mincredibly proud to have worked alongside my Senate colleagues to build a more sustainable and just future for the state of Michigan and all those who call it home.”

Senate Bill 599,sponsored by state Senator Erika Geiss (D-Taylor),modifiesparole eligibility for medically frailinmateswhilemaintainingpublic safety guardrails. This bill amends the Corrections Code to allow a medically frail prisoner eligible for medical parole to be released to a placement approved by the parole board, instead of a parole board approved medical facility. This bill allows medically frail prisoners to receive theappropriate carethey need in potentially more suitableenvironments, while also reducing the burden on Michigan’s correctional medical facilities. This aligns with Governor Whitmer’s prioritization of criminal justice reform by promoting humane treatment for corrected individuals, which can lead to better outcomes for both prisoners and the broader Michigan community.

“When Michigan passed the Medically Frail Parole statute in 2019, the state signaled a pragmatic intention in the Dept. of Corrections that acknowledges and understands that people who are medically frail don’t pose a threat to public safety,” saidstate Sen. Erika Geiss (D-Taylor), who sponsored the bill. “Unforeseen issues prevented that vision from initially being realized, butthere’sa reason this bill received the bipartisan support it needed to pass:It’scommon sense. SB 599 provides important fixes to make sure this programoperatesas intended. Its passage is a rare criminal justice win for the Legislature, a win for the Dept. of Corrections, and, most importantly, a win for the people of Michigan, and particularly for the loved ones of medically frail incarcerated people.”

Senate Bill 662, sponsored bystateSenatorRosemary Bayer (D-West Bloomfield),modifiesthe definition of the “normal level” of an inlandlake,allowing the level to vary due to weather, natural events, or construction activities.The bill also updates the financing options available to an authorityin order to maintaina normal lake level.

“Ensuring Michigan’s inland lakes maintain their natural levels is paramount to safeguarding ourenvironment and communities,” saidstate Sen. Rosemary Bayer (D-West Bloomfield). “SB 662 empowers local authorities to effectively manage lake levels, balancing ecological preservation with community needs.”

Senate Bill 706andSenate Bill 799,sponsored by state Senator VeronicaKlinefelt(D-Eastpointe),allows the Secretary of State to reinstate the driver’s license of an individual, whose license was suspended for failure to pay Driver Responsibility fees,without requiring them to pay the license reinstatement fee. Driver Responsibility fees were eliminated in 2019.This billseeksto streamline the process for drivers,eliminatingfinancial barriers to having their driving privileges reinstated. Not only does this bill support Michiganders by helping them regain their driving privileges more easily, but it also supports economic mobility by reducing the financial burden of drivers, potentially decreasing the number of uninsuredmotoristsand improving overall road safety.

“For more than a decade, thousands of Michiganders have dealt with onerous driver responsibility fees, placing an unfair burden on them that made it harder for many to find work, keep their job, and support their family,” saidstate Sen. VeronicaKlinefelt(D-Eastpointe). “While the Legislature took important steps to repeal this law in 2018, there was some unfinished business left. With the governor’s signature on these bills,we’refinally putting these punitive fees behind us and dismantling the remaining barriers facing residents who areseekingto restore their license.”

Senate Bill 789,sponsored by state Senator Jeff Irwin (D-Ann Arbor),permitsthe Michigan Liquor Control Commission to issue a license to a restaurantownedby Eastern Michigan University (EMU) and alsoupdates references to alreadypermitted conference centers at Ferris State University and EMU.

Senate Bill 878,sponsored by state Senator John Cherry (D-Flint),cuts redtapeand supports charitable activities byfacilitatingvehicle loans more easily. The change allows the Secretary of Stateto issue a temporary civic license plate on application by a licensed new vehicle dealer. These plates would be used for vehicles loaned for golf tournaments, charity events, or public civic events.

“Car dealerships have been longtime participants in their local community events. Whetherit’sfor a golf tournament, parade or fundraiser, this bill fixes an issue to ensure that dealerships can continue to proudly contribute to their community in a way that is compliant with state law,”said state Sen. John Cherry (D-Flint).

House Bill 4308,sponsored by state Representative Amos O’Neal (D-Saginaw), creates a fundraising license plate recognizing sickle cell anemia education and treatment. This bill will be used to fund further research into the disease and its effects, supporting Governor Whitmer’s commitment to medical innovation.

“I look forward to seeing the wonderful things the Michigan Chapter of the Sickle Cell Disease Association of America will do with the funds raised from these license plates to help people fighting the disease,” saidstate Rep. Amos O’Neal (D-Saginaw). “The prevalence of sickle cell disease makes this fundraising plate vital to people across the state. The SCDAA-MI provides an essential service to Michiganders affected by this disease and their families through education,advocacyand individualassistance.”

House Bill 4331,sponsored by state Representative Karen Whitsett (D-Detroit), responds to inflated costs, giving local governments more financial flexibility and capability to fixdamaged properties. This bill works to make Michigan’s communities safer by ensuring local governments have sufficient funds to respond to property damage quickly and demolish blighted buildings that pose safety concerns toresidents.

“This legislation is important to help communities recover quicker after property losses.It’simportant to take care of damages from fire or other disasters to prevent blight and abandonment of property in our neighborhoods. Now municipalities will have more money withheld for demolition or repairs if needed,” saidstate Rep. Karen Whitsett (D-Detroit).

House Bill 4332, sponsored by state Representative Karen Whitsett (D-Detroit), puts public safety and infrastructure first by increasing the legal penalty for failure to correct a blight violation. Blight violations include a wide range of offenses, ranging from property damage to dumping. This bill will ensure that offenders are incentivized to correct their violationsin a timely manner, ensuring that local communities are repaired and revitalized while alsomaintainingthe state’s commitment to public safety.

“This is about keeping our neighborhoods free from blight and pollution. My bill increases the penalties and puts more pressure and accountability on these landlords and landowners who contribute to making these unsafe eyesores in our neighborhoods due to their neglect. Enough is enough, and polluters must pay up — and pay more,” saidstate Rep. Karen Whitsett (D-Detroit).

House Bill 4613andHouse Bill 4614sponsored by state Representative David Prestin (R-Cedar River) and state Representative John Fitzgerald (D-Wyoming), extend the length of time emergency and first responders’ temporary licenses are valid. These bills ensure first responders can better serve Michiganders rather than navigating unnecessary red tape, while also increasing the number of first responders on the streets every day.

“You don’t have to work in an ambulance or an emergency room for very long before you see just how devastating staffing shortages can be,” saidstate Rep. Prestin (R-Cedar River). “Allowing trained EMTs and paramedics to continue doing their jobs as they proceed through the licensing process is a common-sense policy change that will have a major impact."

"This bill is a step forward in ensuring strong emergency services in every region of our state," saidstate Rep. John Fitzgerald (D-Wyoming). “With this bill becoming law, our hometowns will be able to better recruit and train our emergency medical professionals. This bipartisan effort is a commitment to strengthening our public safety and health.”

House Bill 4647, sponsored by state Representative AbrahamAiyash(D-Hamtramck),aligns the barber industry with the cosmetology industry for inspectionsand allowsthe stateto effectively reallocate inspection resourcestoensurethe health and safety of these facilities.

“The signing of this legislation is a significant step toward streamlining regulatory processes in Michigan. Bymodifyingthe inspection requirements for barbershops, we are allowing the Department of Licensing and Regulatory Affairs toallocateresources more efficiently,” saidstate Rep.AbrahamAiyash(D-Hamtramck). “This bill exemplifies our commitment to ensuring outdated regulationsaren’tcumbersome whilemaintainingessential safety standards. I thank my colleagues for their support and Gov. Gretchen Whitmer for recognizing the importance of this initiative.”

House Bill 4718, sponsored by state Representative LauriePohutsky(D-Livonia), makes Michigan the 20thstate to outlaw the “gay or transgender panic defense” in a court of law. This defense uses the discovery of a person’s actual or perceived gender identity, gender expression, or sexual orientation as justification for the commission of a crime. This bill significantly expands legal safeguards for the LGBTQ+ community by protecting them from violent acts of discrimination, prejudice, and hate crimes. This builds upon Governor Whitmer’s work to make Michigan a moreequitableand safe state for the LGBTQ+ community.

“I have been incredibly passionate about this bill for several years, and I am elated to see it signed into law. Protecting the future of LGBTQ+ people across Michigan is something I have been working hard to do,” saidstate Rep. LauriePohutsky(D-Livonia). “This bill, alongside many other monumental pieces of legislation brought forth by Michigan Democrats, is a huge step toward securing a safe and inclusive state for all Michiganders.”

House Bill 4723, sponsored by state Representative Jason Morgan (D-Ann Arbor), recognizes the courage and sacrifice of the United States Merchant Marine Corps by creating a special registration plate in their honor. Merchant Marines are civilians who have credentials from the United States Coast Guard and in times of warassistwith maritime transportation needs.

“Historically, United States Merchant Mariners have been a key part of Michigan’s economy and military presence. Today, Merchant Mariners serve Michigan through cargo vessels on the Great Lakes. Currently, there is no license plateoptiondedicated to the hard-working Mariners across our state,” saidstate Rep. Jason Morgan (D-Ann Arbor). “This legislation will add a license plateoptionfor Mariners. I am proud to honor past and present US Merchant Mariners for their service and commitment to Michigan and our economy.”

House Bill 5056andHouse Bill 5058, sponsored by state Representative Reggie Miller (D-Van Buren Township) and state Representative Matthew Bierlein (R-Vassar), support the Michigan 4-H Foundation—a nonprofit fundraisingorganization that supports animal science, arts, andenvironmental and outdoor education programs for Michigan youth. The bill creates a fundraising license plate, providing funds for the Foundation and helping them to grow their mission of getting kids active and exploring Michigan’s outdoors.

“Establishing a fund for Michigan 4-H clubs is an investment in the future of Michigan agriculture and good citizenship,” saidstate Rep. Reggie Miller (D-Van Buren Township). “I am proud to see this bill make its way across the finish line as it reflects Michigan’s commitment to nurturing the potential of the next generation of farmers and strengthening the social fabric of our state.”

"This initiative is a significant step towards supporting our youth by providing essential resources for their development,” saidstate Rep. Matthew Bierlein (R-Vassar). “The Michigan 4-H license plate will help fund programs that empower young people, fostering their growth and potential. I look forward to seeing the positive impact this will have on our communities."

House Bills 5099,5102,and4368, sponsored by state Representative Rachel Hood (D-Grand Rapids), state Representative Ranjeev Puri (D-Canton), and state Representative GregVanWoerkom(D-Norton Shores),establisha framework to implement the Research and Development (R&D) tax credit for eligible taxpayers and employers.

House Bill 5151, sponsored by state RepresentativeNate Shannon(D-Sterling Heights),designatesaportionof M-53 as the "Officer Leroy Imus Memorial Highway.”

"Officer Imus was a Michigan native and Navy veteran who served the people of Sterling Heights with distinction before being killed in the line of duty," saidstate Rep. Nate Shannon (D-Sterling Heights), sponsor of HB 5151 and chair of the House Committee on Transportation,Mobilityand Infrastructure. "More than 50 years after his tragic death, I'm proud to name this stretch of highway — which includes the location where Officer Imus was struck during a traffic stop — to honor his service and his memory."

House Bill 5182andHouse Bill 5183, sponsored by state Representative Alabas Farhat (D-Dearborn) and Representative Denise Mentzer (D-Mt. Clemens),make it a crime topossess, use, or intended use of a computer or similar technology,commonly known as “ProPAD” devicesto program a key code for automobile thefts.

“As technology continues to advance, it is our responsibility to ensure that state law adapts to keep Michiganders safe,” saidstate Rep. Alabas Farhat (D-Dearborn). “Today, I am proud to see my bill to protect drivers from automobile theft signed into law, giving Michigan’s car owners greater security and peace of mind.”

“Today, we took action to combat the recent increase of vehicle thefts in our state, particularly in Southeast Michigan,” saidstate Rep. Denise Mentzer (D-Mt.Clemens). “As technology continues to advance, so must our laws. We will continue totake action to protectMichiganders from vehicle theft and ensure thieves using this advanced technology are met with swift justice.”

House Bill 5460, sponsored by state Representative Alabas Farhat (D-Dearborn), reduces the barriers individuals face when trying topurchasea car by allowing car buyers to make unequal payments. The bill also prohibits sellers from charging a fee based solely on the fact that the contract allowed for unequal car payments. This bill works to makecarownership more accessible for people from diverse economic backgrounds by reducing unnecessary and stigmatizing barriers.

“With the signing of this bill, Michigan joins countless other states in granting consumers the flexibility they need to purchase a vehicle,” saidstate Rep. Alabas Farhat (D-Dearborn). “By giving consumers more options to buy a vehicle, we’re not only opening up doors for more Michiganders to afford a vehiclebut also empowering them to make smart spending decisions.”

House Bill 5462, sponsored by state Representative Mark Markkanen (R-Hanco*ck),designatesaportionof M-26 as the "Wesley Vietti Karna Memorial Highway.”

“Wesley Vietti Karna made the highest sacrificepossible for the State of Michigan and the United States of America,” saidstate Rep. Mark Markkanen (R-Hanco*ck). “Honoring his sacrifice is the least we can do, but most importantly his legacy will continue to live on and be represented through this dedication.”

House Bill 5737, sponsored by state Representative AbrahamAiyash(D-Hamtramck), allows adults and minors with a developmental disability to hunt with a mentor in compliance with the Mentored Hunting Program. This bill removes a barrier for individuals with developmental disabilities, affording them the same access to Michigan’s outdoors as everyone else while still protecting their safety as well as the safety of wildlife.

“This legislation allows individuals with developmental disabilities to continueparticipatingbeyond the current age restrictions, protecting families’ ability to hunt and enjoy Michigan’s outdoors together. By refining these programs, we are ensuring that everyonehas the opportunity toengage in our state’s cherished hunting traditions,” saidstate Rep.AbrahamAiyash(D-Hamtramck).

Gov Whitmer Signs 39 Bipartisan Bills to Strengthen Infrastructure (1)


Gov Whitmer Signs 39 Bipartisan Bills to Strengthen Infrastructure (2024)
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