Detroit Free Press from Detroit, Michigan (2025)

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Detroit Free Pressi

Detroit, Michigan

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KEPOETED OE THE DETROIT DAILY EES PRESS "BYiTEIGRAPHZ ARRIVAL THE CAMBRIA Seven Hays TLater Buffalo May 31 The Cambria arrived early yesterday morning The foliowing despatch is all we have been able to obtain by telegraph up to the hour of going to press owing to the had condition of the wires Jt was re wntten at Auburn Liverpool April 28 have been in fair demand enquiry imtiroveiriY but on the dav previous to the sailing of the Cambria buyers had rather the advantage Sales of Indian Corn st 22a29s Meal Ts 9d a 1 2s 3d American wheat 6s9daS 9d lour 28s 6d NEW THEATRE ORMERLY THE CITY HALL Tond Night of the Engagement of nr lew is Who will jwrtonn her favorite character of Htrstrn second Niehl of the Popular Dauseusr iMi lierZtta Lewis Who will ierttrm a tahionalMe ifawer and her (mpttlar character of CultR On ToeMlaf IGth will be far lirmwi SiiakMearc Traced ROMEO AND JULIET! Borneo Mrs Lewt Mercates Mr Ventin riar Lawrence Mr Ry er Juliet Mrs Potter Between the Piece DANCE E7 Rnlcro de Cadiz hv Afis COMIC SJMi by Mr Browne To conclude' with the inegtiahle faree or XATl'BE a philosophy Colin xwith a ong) Miss Benba Lewis 13'or particulars bills Admittance tp Ire 5 Circle 30 eu Parqtu tte 25 cte ni BDl HU HOKMIH IVr the undersigned temg iii viteii tn Alderman Mabie to mih' tte attempt of Mr avcih to bnng under complete uhvxtmn a horse sam to lit unnmnngcahte and tmp thru has with oue exception invaria Uy thrown rider and dangerous in rhe fiarne were pre ni ni dir rxjHTjtnerH on tte 1 2ih insL Tlufeforl wa crowned with pucceM in five udnuit bringing the iiore under in cottpietr control Ina slion time the terse iayed down apparent! tetuy contented Nir lined with him nod strerhed le fiiifr the steed interlocking me leg with the animal'n Htretrted himself across hi Bide sa? on iiw head and amused himself knocking the fore and hind feet of the burse The tvteie proceeding inaarutnus He afterward took seve al uceasiuiis tu aggravate tin muse ithuui uccettai He se iued perfectly auuer hi control He then nde him in tte street without any inure trouble titan any well broke nnumd Mr is the National Hotel hurt' lie can roreatilred to the lutwle of his operation iMlruti May 13 J1 )4 Mum I Terry Geo Ryckman A Biirtou 11 (urrnuin Kiudiak IViu A Nrliam Jame A Arnwirottg Carew A Guise SylveMer larned Win Palmer Chefe'bro nild 3i Walter Jngeruott A Trumbull Stock of Goods at Auction! THE Subscriber utter nearly completing the purchase of ins stock ul goods this spring iuade arraugemenis iu go into bu MHie iu tlx city ut New York as soou tie can fifape uf hw poods hen He will therefor sell hi enure stuck of Dry Goods and Grocery's? atoui '150uv wonaj at Auction commencing on TUESDAY MAY ttt ISA? at 1U A at the Siore No til Woodward Avenue and continue until all are wold The tock consist a great vanetv of Dry Goods in winch there hum 4 to 3W piece 50 piece Gingham 31' piece Summer Cloths 3u Bleached Snirt ngs du SatiuetUs together with an usoruiiei)t of CaasHuers Broad Ckitbs lannete Bed Ticking Diaper Dt Lime Shawls Hdkts Threads Uumlss Ru ctoiw ruwfeuders Pins 4 ti Also 2t bo's Sugars of various graiies 20 iif enests uu with various other kinds Groceries A large projiortion of Un giHMhi have purchased Uus prrng and have but just arrived and therefore make it a good chance fur Merchants to replenish Utetr mockw terms of sale will tie for all sun under 100 cash all over glut) tit duvs credit ith approved uotea pavabie at Bank ELISHA CHASE T7 The Lathe are renjiectfuhy invited to attend the sale an appropriate pla will be reserved forthem itsltt Express NOTICE Livingston fc argo Express i hiir removrd tu the brick block a fen door teJnv jhe Mi chigan Exchange mill in JAS ARGO Agent BECHER BLA(k Of course they will tie wold rneny ui them nt my it' rpHOSE pwret real scotch good col ors tmnst lain ick and heauurni new patern only out shil ling to one and rr vartl nirib 1SEECAER VALUABLE PROPERTY OB MLE Tbw vahtnb le Wntrr Lot 1 and 2 ot subcjivtMuii of Military Rew rye situnted on the Detroit river nnd adjoining the store of Ac Cornfield The prauTty will tie sold on easy terms one fourth ut tlw puirhasc money to paid down and the remainder in luur or five equal annual mstulmems wiib inteiesL Apjdicahon to be intuit to Washington A Bacon lie truit or to Rev McMurray Dunda apiwtf OPIVNI 1 rase Turkey Opium new crom just received by exircs and for sale Ity' A COBS Ac ARR1SON aplb Jt tierson avenue IANPLE WICK bak candle wick for sale bv ie 21 PARKER fc BRO This is to caution alt firrsoiis from purchasing two orders of thirty dollars each dated June 2P D4t drawn on the Awpwr ol Scimol District No iu rhe township of Ham tramrk signed ly Win Hunt moderator and made payable to the order of Hrrten Adams the amount due on said hnr bn pnid to said Adam amtramck May 4 1 4 BIMOS Director ifSehol District No 9 Michigan State Bank 4 NNUAL ELECTION A meeting of the stockholders of this A Bank will be held at the Banking House in the city of be iruit on Monday tlte 5th day of Jane next at IU a few the purpose of electing nine Directors io erve tiiernsuing year By order of the lioard of Directors ifeirnil April 20 Ir4 ALEX ADAMS wUe 5 Cahirr XA PL all Wool and Cotton Ako one sJVr splendid russeis Carpet made suitable for two irge jiarhira will tie sold cheap at 1 ot yt Abiicn' Auction Koom np2V Going! Going! rIAHOE CARPETN about (if not quite the lt isenri 1 rnent and largm stock now in tire city I on who calculate to buy will con uh both god taste and your iiecumary interest hv calling at Hie Cariiet Rooms of ap2S lutl BEECHER REMOVAL AIVES has removed to the New Bnck Store No 50 Jeffur soiravenua a lew doors below me Michigan Exchange VOTICE Xkurlttss lmtgluon Mittmt' Cb An asseiw 1 mein of fifty cents per share has been called upon the stock of raid company payable to the untenigned a treasurer of said company within thirty days Detroit April IriS HENRY WALKER iii Treasurer DOI GLA VVethe undersigned the namM in the art entitled act io ur orjxwHie the imughi Houghton Mining Company' paed iy th Legislature of the state of Michigan and approved by die Governor March 27 J4 hereby gie notice That the firrt mr of vnid company for the purposeof accepting wnifi art Hertmg citfirejx adopting by law and Liking such other uicn ure may requisite to a full organization of said company under said act will Ge held at the oilier Ehiu arnsworth in the city uflk tfvit on Thuridav the ih dav of June next at 10 a Detroit Maya 1 HENRY LEDYARD not GLASS JOHN GROVT Detroit grawai: Tangmby a WilliaXJ bear tin 2d Methodist 4'hurrh Lecturer at 4 and hImo at randk HghL Scholar? admitted today or melrt rent at any tinw or inpuir' of Mr at tin Lki! room rms moderate Patron tgc i humbly Hiri td aptll A IRST RATE ASSORTMENT CARPETING I to Lm found at Geo Pease 55 oodward Avenui and liewdd chrap PAPER 150 rrauw Wrapping Paprr 2P Irf tHT 20 np ut sale ly Iirft I' PARKER BRO New Good! Neff Goods! A WATMIN' 151 Jefferson Avenue June just re ccived from New York an rxirmwve assort un nt of Dry Good CHEAPER THAN' EVER Plrawe cMl and ee them ior wr would occupy loo much spare in enumerating all VT OTICE The cojiaitrieTshrp which existed betwext Robert 11 cadin and Williaui CbryUer wa diedvrd by mutual ruuM'iit on the 1st day of May 'n IMS by the said Scadtn jhh UiBihg the interest of mid Chrysler in sard firm All pvrwon Indented to said firm air requested not to pay any accntmte or make any settlement with said hrysler as has fraudulently ohtirierf JKHoiOii of the Uoks Detroit May rth RC SCADIN IKE! IRE! IRE! Krn nCT TO THE SUERERS BY Til LATE lv Thom insured at iie office of Crane Wesson ill please present tlieir claims witliout delay The losses are divided among the three companies they represent and are kR than RJCIN) for each company Lor ill be paid nhnut delay mil To and Apoihecsu ies ANTED a situation by a young man who has had many ears erjier ience at! liranrhe of rite whrlrale and wL ail Irug businewto and i an able njutherary Pnwin wishing to tihuui the services of such will please addrev Box 434 UittxcjpiMmakte ren fewo given mlldlw NOTICE A Special meeting of the Board of Audiuue tor the Coumy of Wcyne will be held on Wedneeday 4 na at io o'clock A al the Uthee of the undemmed DcifoiL May lr4 HoLRROOK dvi'th Qerfcof the Board of Autfiturs BVIUDINU IXJTS OR SALE at low prices ou Beaur Detroit tsJWapM vCBAKEU WEStKJX RAGEK Ar LEMOAb Uittrte? Orange and lemons now receiving in piime order and ior sale low bv ap41 HILL BZ XVKKH harem hand SUGAR prime rngarMlasses 42Lhi Motnsw 3( rrrtififd Whiskey 5 fine Sait COAL fib ion Lehigh OoaU rtiiterior quality POWDER 200 kegs Rifle Powder LOUR bbl Superfine loar 15b ine HTtiet i will le sold at reduced prices for Cash fr2 TO TO clue tire lot lire subscriber will sell the baianre of rtot Artificial Teeth AT OST iu parcels ot not lew than iftv Teeth PA LUJChem ist A itrugzist nuna Wood ward Avenue Gf L'WL CuuitnisK'iier of Deeds for tire stares Bl AINE VEKMO5T YOKE PE55S YJVAMA ratlin I KDIANA KENTVCKY MhsSOL'Rl TEXXCcEE NORTH and SOUTH CAM CH NA MASSACHUSETTS COB NlkrriCUT IDLING IS Ac Aomnr lec ldawly 'ARDEN NEEDS Au usortnrent of resh Garden aud ViT lower Seeds from Ue ee Seed Rochester pm un in eac kaeeof from one ounce tu one pound ur rale by PARKER A BBO HM Agents tor Geneaee Seed Store BT A DO AA DETROIT IS4S 1S4S Sham Packet Canada and London VE JTLL nmke their regular trip between Iniffulo und Detroit i until the 1st of October next a follows CANAD apl II Van Allen i ill ave Detroit for Buffalo on Monday and Thursdav evt niugs at 7 and Buffalo fur Detroit uu Wednesday and sat urdaj mornings at 10 LONDON flapt Uilloucliby I Will leave Detroit for Buffalo on Tuesday and riday eveum I at 7 And Rutlhlo for Detroit un Monday and Tliurditv mornings at 10 I or fr gfit or Passage apply to Captaintm Ixiard or to IV LSSELL Kertheial Co bkrrcafva! STORAGE nABiu svIitix" 8iid llerchau DETROIT an house altheikmt of 3d first above the new lb? not of i tle Central Railroad I AGENTS lor STEAM BOAT the Lakrt and for tlie rty and filtcklgan Laict I due" on tht rit Canal By hich Line they art prepared to cvntract fur freight at the i lowfsr rales both up and down AGENTS: i A Iiavil nn Ct ed' Ware HoEse Buffalo A McKissick Albanv A hrn tiech No 1H Cuenti Si ip (up rair ork i Hrwion fAfark pacKagea 7 Litrn rae It Kcrvheval Co I adraurr tnadeuu proper? coiwigurd in TuriO tin i or rnsirru market i I lie IbghcHi market pnrr paid al at Lim for lour during he beasou of navigation I James Abbott SZoae urwurding and Commission Mercnant ool of Woodward avenue Detroit Till subscriber has recommenced ttre atevc business after a retirement of el ven yea at hi old stand foot 01 Woodward avenue lately occupied by Kirchrval A Cah advance made uu projieriy uestmed tor the Eastern mar kets or for sate ure Hu long in the burine ss requires no refereurp i Tin ieam Boat RED JACKET will hereafter tor at hi? dock ami otiter are mviied to do so Iyl ABBOTT Brown Strong S4S fiyr orma rdin and Com mi Merchants uETUolT oot of 61 near new Railroad Ikrpox BROW MoRT'vS TRUSG I Agenif fr Griffith's Western Line on the Erie Crum! i Evan Griffith tih Ctr iiiis skp York I Gniitth Troy Sears At Griffith tiiirfaiu NY i Agents for Van la wego and IVeiland Line I Van Jfe waler Brother (' (iswegu Hi hist No 7 Coeniis Shp i Agent for Wabash 'J roy and Oswego Line the Wabash Erie aud Miami t'ai ti James Wusoii dr Co Cincinnati Onio Hanna Banter Co Iaiayette Indiana r'lnitli ac Oo Toiriio Him Also Agenw for uw sieamiioatff JvHN tAVENanJ ARROW one of which will leave daily al 9 o'clock a for Toledo and trrinedian port Sunday excepted Tramqxirtatton by either of the alxve Lines at the iowesu rates I U'Cash advances made ujmju property consigned us for sale i in this or eastern markets ate i Laffou dSZoruret oru a rdirnr and Commission Merchant oot of Hielby and Atwater street Detroit Agents itr Eddj A Western Line and Whitehall and Btttiblo Line AGENT? Moore 33 Coentis Slip i Eddy Mann Whitehall Gallagher 155 River st Curiit Mann Co Builallo Mark package? i M's Western Lint and stop by Oid Line I Boats which leave west aide Coenti Slip NY' daily Also Agent fir MERCHANTS on Miami Canal AGENTS Haskell A Co Toledo VValnridgt Cincinnati i The itnderigned ill contract for transportation by tin line at the very lowest rates He also the patronage of his old I customers for Eddy Western Line Cash advance uiatie on produce fur suit in this or any of ftie i eastern market VV LAVVSUN Detroit April IS 1 IferniriTr i rrTnniuwiB ihosry successor of Jackson Ac temfere in sincere thank to the public tor tle very hlierai patronage be ha received and hufies by assiduous attention to merit a con utiuaiiou of the same He has refitted tie laies style in Snanno and Haer 'uiitfttr baiffon and every effert will macie 1 to give general santaetion He i constantly on hand a gen enerul aswrimeut of sujw'rinr erfumtrrtf Stock (Artiar C'rt rotK llritskm Combs 'usendrrs 0 Bi rapacious BATHING and Roomr have been fitted up equal if not superior to anythiug in the western country Warm and old Laths at ail hours Opposue tin si Court Room Jefferson avt ntie Detroit mvlkiit RATHBl HOTEL Bruadffav Has been Enlarged and much Jmpro ved 1: now extends 140 feeton Broadway by 13 dee i inchidiiin Xre 77 tn ntirf Xnii CniirrL i nr rrra entrnnre 1G3 Bwadwsy Ilf capariy i ample to az'Coinmodate 3(10 person The I EXTENSIVE ADDITIONS contain numerous pirasubU airy and well fighied Risni with smciou Hall and elegant ariajks with Led Rooms attached Among lite recent Improvements a ppiendid Ladies' Ijiuing Room has been constructed which i equal in size and style any room of tlie kind in the city of Neu York Another great improvement ij( the Hou i a new wide and coovrnient mairway th xi large and well constructed Sky Light adding very nittrh to the comfort anti convenience of Hie whole establishment RATHBUN ma nt '3t ro tc tor QI' IN CY' 1T1 IMNG (Wl PANY The shareholders in the above romnany are hereby required to pay to one of the Trusters of said company an inalne'nt of twenty five rents tin each share on the day of May next and tw nrv five cent on each share on tire fir nay of Joni? next and fifty cents it each share on the first day of July next orfori it all prevloupaynicnts twerenn Sv order of tiie Trustees marjfl' HASTINGS OR MLI in Wayiw Co orty acres of I ind I ibm half a mile of Hie village of Mount rirmsant on tire I Huron river know as he Camp ingtnr 4 of the VV of sec 30 3 9 7hn laud ill le mid I cheap for cash Apply to 1 Detroit March 2f 1 4 WILLIAM LEE iKE A CAMDEN IN aURANCE CO Agency oflice No 72 Wall New York Capital elMLMHJ Chartered tn D32 The ntHseriiierB will vstte Policies without delay at tlw cur rent rates aud pan losvn promptly Apply at their office oqo tile (he Post Office and over tlte Michigan ItHurnnce Bank i mart CRANE 4c WESSON Agent 3 half chvts Y'oung Hywon Tea Gunpowder and Hymn a fib rffdJie Young Hyson Tea 10 hud New OrieaiK and Pnm Hiro Sugr Powdered and Crrwfied 5 bojee W(xfiey and Woiseyjk Ijuaf 15 bbl New Orleans Molasses 2 finds teyrup Lags Java and Rio Codec Pepper and Spice hnxei Ground Pepr and Spier I 40 Totmrco vnrioii brands Together with an aomnenl of shelf aM! utie rsohB suitable fa? he Trade which ill be said at prtr to suit the nm hv I Tri OM ASG A ILAGH ER mar2t Nos IS Bl cor Griswold ik Woodbridge st I i I)Ci fcPEllVI on for sale iv I 1el PARKER AU BRO Pl IN! 08 IS GLAMS BHI MIES A lujiOf! ibv White Lead dr and in ml 3d bbls Lineed Oil 5 keg Pan Green 15 boxes Chrome Green 15 Yeliow Vermilhon Redland Lytharge Copal VaruHtL Japan Varnish 200 boxe Window Glass from 14X20 JliOO lb Puty Venetian Red Yellow Ochre 50 doz Paint Kunde all kjiid and size? Extra and Common White Wab Brushes Sime Brushes Hair Bru inK Tooth Brushes Camil Hair Striping f'enetk Ac tor salm and retail at the lowest prices bv HILL apH Jefieron avenue or Sole Bent 1848 ur i Jotsce of the csfabteitmcfii of Vu for ike the LAXD DISTRICT tn fht of up2b TREASURY DEPARTMENT OWEN forty eight OWEN 4c Co TO EN The large 2 story Brick House itua or Toledo Cincinnati Lafavcue Monroe nvenu A giKx! annment OR 121 JetfersBi avenue OWEN 1R LET The store my'4 3 liw Buildings GE BATE ap25 15 1 Jeiiewm uccupieu uy Patrick Higj Potecsiou given umir diair 1: WEBB Bi tut: m4 3 lok me mardfitf EDWARD OUOTTSlienlf TAT MJCHIG YN County ofMirhilimackiwar Tit Pr i rant i iiitn nir tn pritnat nf I day ar Bl or Mac Apply 1 Joseph al aplO TAYLOR JAMES ROBB oe15dtf Bank nun s' Bank jy 13 Ire WESSON janl or quart tor saie low by VVarnci Care Williams Co Detroi of T1SKE littlejoim 1 Broad TO II EN A neat and convenient DweHutg Hold mfi flw Albany 154 Jeib rsoii ave nprtu! CICOT JOHN COOK J'or jiarucuiar Bank Notes ioughl 0 1 oh Wh A HOWARD PARKER A IRU mardl lririt May i narl4 1 AO BOXES NIOITA) CAXX8LE of superior qua 1 Ury fur Rife by inall OWEN (X) Deiroft April 3 1 rnar24 ap: Msu I CRAVE fc VEO WX ixiarlif PH NSE Hotel of SiN apt Paris New Spring Styles TO IET tie him is new ana BRIE!) APPLES yuxt received and for sn fe at a reduced price fnr Gk HILI 12U Jeflerwm ave or tkife by a or safe a4 Chicago York Agent JACOBS fc GARRISON 12b Jefferson A venue Detroit JACOBS 1 GARRISON 12P Jefferson avenue Detroit Drugget tine ftr We ill not be nmferuld apl3 1 6 50 250 (t reauiiu and lliixig th petition duR lentled of Samuel Haring Wjiuaii Drew and Henry aduumsiraUfr upon after the ''cluck furnished with Extra at ARD OI 1 A few barrtL yos received and far ale by mai24 VI 1 LLLih ft oo 1 urn Kd SL I wtrHt Monroe M1TH i ofedo ISEED O1 70 bbl Linseed Oil fur safe by JACMBS 4i GARRISON Jen avenw ten in the frirenooraid (lemion and that tie Money and Time Saved ARE REDUCED ANU DED INCREA ED CITV LOT OR MIX Thrre wrahre Building Ix on Adam A venue near lle Grand t'rrcn A TO KENT A large and commodious ixuuse situated 1 La ayette si near Shelby It TUCK! various jrif A Woo! Ingrain If IO 2 bhfe Rectified Whe4cy jihi re ceived and for by aplS WEBB SEE O1 bblte Lixueed OU fur safe low Ry JACOBS GARRISON 129 Jeff aw ntie Ifetnhx at the office nf Doty (rnHary of th company) iu tie ou Tuesdav the 16th of next at o'clock ifeiruiL April io DICKINSON 3 Law Buildings 1 ND JAVA COEik for family tor safe bi Hp2t PARKER A BRO itzhiurh Cn' tild OeEcotl Ltut Lttbr Roat rofk itzhugh Cn ostvego A eujieriur nrtfefeof Porter in piutaand quartfi THtia GALLAGHER Cor Grwwnid ac Wuedbridge ml Hum £25 Ut chanfe lai pfy ax ap7dti 50 in 7 icmrri PwB for wife fit ar25 PAKKERL BRo 26 bMs Molasses for wife fe PARKER fc ERO TO ILT Twn nniaJl iores under National hotel and iroiitingiLe City Hah market Rent low Steam Boat RED JACKET James bavtts" been thoroughly overhauled ana repairet! tier usual i the 47tfi it Lawson and will continue tu run di ving Detroit every Mondav Wedne returning Tursduv 'Hiurdiy rate Ixji No 03 ifenuhien arm 0:1 Graltut tif fe frout iy 2iti iret deep): Ixr 1 corner Gratiot and Brush sU also sundrv Lnte on Houghton section Brush arm apH HI BBARD BELA CHAPMAN Judge of Proliai Ciswego Cunai Line Joseph Giliw New York Truman Wiman (bwcu Tile liju aud Lot latelv ncrimfeil hv in Randolnfes near the Mirhumn a very desirable Iration the huue 1 large an i LE The undersigned ntittr for BD lzfs in Detroit ranging norl and waranty deed given Mairnafe received pay menl Ap mk 12 tnile 3ii i'Hiatrqtaignr Wine quart and pint Malaga Grape in Sfeilv Icnwm' fren Extract Vanilta Vanilla Bean Lemon and Kr Old Irish Whiskey pure Raisins Citron Mace 0 HANOTS A JO boies rh Orang and Ifemmrs fur afe by nw PAEKLK A 1RO ivantiMiat excepted at OR SALE LOT No south side cfranklin si corner of Orleans in life Ifequindre arm with thedwellinr tiferroa Tlte house Wff two stories high and in perfect repair Ateo the cast half of kt numtier 7 nonb of Atwater on life Charto Muran arm with the tenement now on it This rnferty will lc sold low and un farorabfe terms ajj to pavmenx Arqdv to marfitf CRVNE WESSON iTORE I EET jjj the curnT of Woodward av enue and Cong ss st next tn the Episcopal church occu pied the last year by isher per printed and circulating in said county Wayn thr succes sive weeks uirM in a vkrnviuu io said day of hearing II IC Tm subscriber still continues in the Ice business and thankful fur past favors wishes to iMhcii a part of the patronage this season Will tie ready in a few days supplyall who muy favor him with a call Orders addressed ttoH aid fey or a men Robb left at Clothing Store will be prompuv attendee to aplfl Beer will hereafter fe sold for Cak uulu payable on delivery at $4 per bbl and $2 jer half bbl and when sent out of th city a dejKwiU1 of I will lie required for the barrel lie refunded witen returned in good order All order for tins article (which is war ranted) must accompanied with th rash Other qualities of ale will ie sold a heretofore feUistf CAREW 3n doz Rrroms lor safe low b' GALUAGHR Nos 19 1 21 cor Griswold 4t Woodbridge fU kitchen and water inside Apply WILL! AM AVAR CHARLES HENSHAW TO RENT A nvu story fraiie Duelling House figi pleasantly situated on Ute curtier of Macomb and Rrufi st Enquire of A A at fus store No Woodward av lOrit fornafeby marl! BARKER BRO Bv order of the President: RICHARD YOUNG Cutumijsoiier of the General Laud uffice I ESH just received fur a fe hr apil BARKER ERA May 7 I4c By A John os I TN of the hrst section of the ar I of Congrr entiifed ab act tnerrau an adunmuai lane uiatnei in lerntury uf MComnn4ind tor metier vurpoife apjirotvc Alarch 3 117 1 do hereby deciare and make known that tte land office for the ntMiiel created by said art estaidisb at lb aBte of St Croix River'' it aid Icmlury: the site tins day deteignatvd by the re Hidrut uf ihe Umied tales Given under tai iiand ai tlie Citv of Washington th venth A it nt Douitui thousand hundred and boxes assorted Caudy fe BARKER kt BRO Gleason Lewis EXCHA GE BoKEK IRST IOOR TOtTAWf THS RIVER from the BOST and dtrr ctly opposite the Cutum Hoittee Detroit Mich Will at all tun buy and sei! Imfuon New York Buffalo Cleveland Sandusky City and will make Colb cnom many pan of tie United State buy and Sxatt Bunds and County Order of any of the eountie in the turn forth payment debt Ar of said estate TlivrriqKUi 1 i oruen iL that Munday the fifth day of 1 June next ai iiu ihf ioreiiuun hr assigned tor life hearing uf said tiuun and that life fwtr at law nt said dreea and other irrum iimretrri hi saidestait? are required to court men to hoidrn at th? 1 Hinge of Mark mac and show ay or of the eitinirrs should HC SINES WAGONS OR One span of good team itorffetf 10 be wpaniU or toertlfer to suit purcha sers Afeo a new one horse wagon one greond band double and one wingfe hansw Enquire of life subscriber corner of Wood arda venue and Con gre? atql ISKE EN The Large House ConerR st enr ol firmat will ts rented lor one or more 4rs to a fam ih'sirous of keeping a gnlrrl lloardm Huh Tf nmi The Dwelling House situated on tht south side ot Macomb st and Brush ats now osaruji gtven 1st of Mav BY RAM at Johnson Byram's store OAt VALE OR i A large two and a half story Brirk Hou situated on the corner Iteau Stf bfeitand 'liuton Bts rurtiaining 14 room good con hBih dtfinn Po ernjii given mimedirtely Terms made Miowti on tht preunsete IkPlAilI have removed from Wood ward are nue to their store oa the comer of Jeffettecm avenue and Bates etreet Wf The following may Ife takn as a correct distance from Qaon ton to Detioit with the dKancv bt the principal town that tn? traveller passe through vxueenrehih to vauiannr? St Calhan he Hamilton HKiufilon to Brantford Brantford to Wooastock Woodstock tt Loniuh I mtlon to Chatham Chatham tn Wtndur a fol QK BBLS LIMPED OIL jo OO by mar JAMEIfcOO COPPER A LS INI CO Wp the undersign ed lite ersu named in th act untried art tn rate the Copper all Mining paed by the Tfegistn tiire nf Life Ktate of Michigan and approved by tife Governor Marrh 15 1 4 hereby give notice that the first nutting of said compa ny tor th? ptirjH' id accepting said act electing by laws and hiking urfi other measures hf may fie requisite tn a full organization or 'said cotnpat under raid art will fe hrid the Board Roont in the Merchants rrhnnge in life rirv of Boston on Monday the 15th day of May next nt o'clock 1 cask Bure WB Sperm Oil JAME ABBOTT ELDRED A MARVIN 123 Jeff Avenue QTl SUGAR IdL CYnhed Sugar 10 uiverised hole Loaf ACoBS A GARRISuN leftbrsOJi Avenue Detroit HOLNE LOT I OR SALE A iory and a halt House mi ortairert between Halting and Rivard lj street Tit Lot 1 well supplied with trun and orua tll mental fees Enquire of HErs upll At Mr Shut Siitq MOKEII HAIDA MlOlLfiElO A quantity ju received irom for sale by ay2H WILLI A Mr A CO foa inq st TO KEWT A cuuvrhiitt Du ellin House coo I turning 7 gtd room nearly wnv with Urge Garden QreL 3HUOlU UU urc VJI OUU JU (lie Jul war hirufer iKLniculaite enquire of Joseph Aspinall on prcninfe a13 the Car 7 o'clock 1 and xt day SINH Window Sash of all size fur sale al the muntjfifeiur prfeefi at the ton of life snticriher corner of woudward avenue and Cutigrcs? street opKnitle the 1st Mthdki church ap2U ISKE A true op i CoL2s ELI LYNN Judge of tuliate I' Elwood Ng Cw utis Slip York Agnt Mark jiaekage Liife' and ship by Tow Buat from Curiiti Slip daily Cateh aovitnee for produce for sale here or in fasten Ctmhftrr H'nesU PO1MKNIN HV ARNENIC it fe now generally known by an4 other infoffigeirf readers that the Hydrated of iron in ttfe moist or pnlpv suite the only efficient antidote for this deadly oiun Iu inode of action i by producing with the poison by a transfer ot oxygen front the oxidt to tht acid an insoluble and therefore inert semale of protoxide ofirou lu caes uf emergency thw jnvtoua I4e article and life solatium for preparing it iu a few xnirmte may always lie found ait life ture of GIDEON BACIJ Cbemist Ac IfeuecfeL mi VV o'Klward ave lietmit for Sjiriuc wrenr of fire lauret pafrfriw and beautiful Htyks Lirrew Grey Euuens for Ialies iravelbng ensues Summer Cassimene rund Tweeds SatineUs Kenluck Jeans te ke nil of which will be sold low GEO rEASE tCO apt No Woodward avenue None hereby given that the loik for uicripuun tn life capital sioek of Lfem: and Uric Plattk Road Cnmpa ny" will lr ojfened at William Tavern in life I town of Erin county of Macomb on Saturday the 1 3rt day of May Hotel in cm re Lii Monday the lain day of Muy next at ttfe same time of Vl AUL I MiZNER RICH HER 1 4b buxe No 1 Herring for sate by ma4 4 TH A AG HER OI7G 23 hhds rime New Orfeam etigars Ifi orte Rico 7 A re rABTTflnW 12 Jeff avenue Decmt ort Iogunjjort tqua Trox Dayfon nod other pl'fees on the Wabash tc Erie Mite the Miami canals PaengvrH going South will find tins a ctirhp p'e isant and expedition riutr I are Denon io Cinrtnnnti if paid at Detroit I or rright or passage apply un board ot tv 11 fifit re The house it entirely new and cos osscsaiuii given 1st May RANE WESSON HENRY LEDYARD MEAD AKAtb JOSIAH TOINE a HAbinnN niH i isi oner Tannic 10 Btrychnine ur sale by aj4 TAR CAVDIrs horsji receis rern 1 an 21 OVA EN fcX ENNEI HAY for sale Enquire nt the Cunmferrial JLll kky 1 lj TO LET A good Dwelling House ou CongroM near Beaubien street To auy teuflerer ly the lalt lire HI a lair deduction ill he made finquire oj lit ml2lw rKANL CABEW DETROIT BREWERY THE MunnfhcwT of Brown Amber Bah and Burton AW having he alterations and audition to ht Brewery on is prepared to supply riere HOI EE OR NA1E OR KENT Th rum Khousand well located Hotel known as Hotel' he buibiiiig in good order arrival of ihr Stages for Chicago arid arrives at 4 taking thi route rail in and leave Kalamazoo at 7 a 7 mi thus avoiding riding in 1 Piitesrniter are cautioned mauut nav than Detroit by the boat as it ill brpnvt them ol taking tins cheap and expenlHu route There i also a Daily line of stage ieuiing Kalamazoo for tiltoutn via lie to Northern Indiana Tins mute froin Ifeiroit to Uhicagu pasteet through tht prm i pal villages of Michigan giving travelierb an opfiuriunity of view ing a Unr section of country and avoiding the danger of the UpifeT iMihe wtHfe wet arrive in im ago TH AX QUICKER 7'han by taking the circuitous route of the Lnk's NEW GOODS! JUST RECEIVED and opened a very sptenrtid am? general burtiffent of Dry Good direct Trow New York jut Kniiroaffi and will te nnld at orruilu rrdttcrd prtot apl 1 irEPU n'RN ER 145 Jeff are Twilled Slried Venetian hl Cioffi various idtta Hearth Rtig Straw iMihrilifr iC sain bceaset required to appear nt i of raid nihare Court then tote IhHifeit at tiir aflfet offfii' Judge thereof at the city of Detroit and 1 slnv caiwe if any there whythe praytn of the petitiuzeT Should nn te grunted And ii Yttriher urderedlvix said titHuer give ite lie itersorfe mtereud in said suite ot the enariicyofad teUfiob and lie te nring ttereof bv causing a copy of this or MRARILLA DR GUT 1 ELIXiW DKJK tiplv jun received and for ante bv GIDEON AVLL 56 Woodward avenue Ifeiroiu it Ecor being nt town three zenith of all of which rain right title and jiiterem I shall exjMis4 for sale at public auction 10 UH foh' bidder or Munday ffie day of June nt at ten o'clock in life for imun of that nay at th front dour of the court house in lite cry of De troit i Ijetnc hfe place tue countv court for thr countv of Wayne 1 helm HOWARD Cl COTT Detroit May H4S Sheriff of Wayne 0 Mich my? gKOon? OTS a ion cretin UTS line lbs Almond OO Brazil Not JIM illerte 5U bis ea Num bv JACOES fo GARRISON 1211 JHT avenue tetnwt 1 SiGlits MESS LARD HAMS huul ders tour on consignment for uU tow by apl LAWSON Ho well's Rail Road Bowling Saloon rT'HESE ALLEYS nave at great expense to tin roprtetut just lieeii tlioruughlx rtqiaired having been dressed off by master workmen nr Lignum Vita Balls and an entirely new set of Pins have been purcla a iu ntisfacttoB 10 nn inrtiai and patron Gentlemen Buwter cal am! try them 1 1 tir and a halt mor io well finished and 1 3r family or further particular inquire merchants mar 13 Coheink mackerel xurTE fish tierrikg fa ateln marl 1 PAEKEB BRO Uie village ot Unwell i te autnulh iTHaied (i tte iii ground it the centre anil hustifee part of life town There is a large and ell finished and paitittid Barn on tn? premise aud ail ncessary conveuitnicee of every rtpuon trial run le found about any establishment of the kind atove premte will be sold wishing to VreUIIUi uu ur OR MLi! Will te sold cheap for cash a rte lfme tor two year of the well known Tavern Htiuaied on Jrfiereoii aomur tht lAKE HOUSE fogetifer wiffi the urniture nt tin same Aten a Dwelling lluu on for pale on iibuaal term and extremely low Enquire ot B'hHfett or at tife Grand Cirrus Hotel tnylltf REMOVAL ARKTR A RROTHEKMe their utGao erie to Nw 83 R5 Woodward avmu nrerrty upp ue the National Hotel and next befow John Wrb2 ster's uarowan torr Jfc ERO IV wMtwarc avenue ap4 ZNN G4LLO' Winter Strained prnn fH nfe by rU an5 THfS GALLAGHER Bl 1 LUING LOTA OR SALE OR The auto senber has a lew Ueirabte Ituildiiag lot adjoining tte rmi arnce of Hou Howard that te wifi rittier wil or tease a itiny be desired The iui are rsr rate or lcae far any tengm of time required A tetter opjmrtuniu to obtain lots ha tint offered DICKINSON in 5 4 Jb Law Buiidinss MAN ub riter i hr a vmng man a ankre frirn the country auid te preferred to act a por ter in filature Lake rare of a Ar An industrious vouttf man by applying soon may obtain a fiermanem situation arinUri'dins: (iud CuHimission Merchants Detroit AGEN'I' OR THE uLLuWlNG American Transortatim Co to and from Buffaio to New Ii nrk wnnout transhipment Caleb Co Agenu Ite Broad D7TROT HO11 'ELL VK 1W1D Notice re hereby given that life hooks for suto cription tu tit capita) stuck of the Detroit and HuweU lank i Road Company will te a follows Intneeityof Deiroit on Tuesday Uh 23d of My liext at liu Michigan Exchange 12 lu life village ot Waterford on Wednesday ttetiliii May iiextiai the store of Mead a Co ax 12 In tte village of Milford on Thuradav tte 25th May next Mt tte office of Augustus Baldwin at 12 o'clock In the village of HwHI on riday the 2ffi May next st tin nf I nre ol JiHiiah Turner fo 12 7T ive ffer will be required from earfe suteerite? at fe Unit' ot sute'Tiinng I feimii May 2tt fo li PORK hhk riuie Turk for Kate bv 1 OWEN fc CO 75 suncca Amrytrap nnd rench Quinine for HILL 12 JffffHffMon avenne By virtue of a writ of fieri facia? issued out ot the county court dated the eighth day of Maj a lt4r i to me directed and delivered 1 have levied uuon all the ngbttitte I and mvreii of Reiwuelaer Men ill in and tr the fidluwing rralv Inquire I utr Io wl: being tin west hah ui tte north east quarter of ec ii vv And ii i ordered that said give notire to the peisufo interested iu said siuu uf the pu dency of said jieution and the hearing thereof by causing a copy oi lin? order io te put 1 iitibed in th" Daily Itetroit ree Press a nrwqater printed i at Detroit in the state of Michigan three surety: ve week ouce I tn each week pre iuu to said da of hearting TO A two story Dwelling Huuj i on 'nn uk strict Ifetween Hasting" and Rivard st with a good 4nfcceHar which will te completed bv Muv 1st Apple at Mai shue shop ap? 1CH AEL ARTEZ At a M'iU'iun oi the rrubate Court lor me cuuittv ot Miriuhmarki uat hokl' at ffit oth of tte Jnugclnfereof ai tte village of I next at lb u'clo A and at Wap imicMiiHc on oiiouHV um nrsi uuv oi may tn the venr omp thousand eight hundred and lorn rignt irrseuk Bela Cirtpmun Judge of Pro bare MCH THREE PLY CARPETS Jut received eeverai pieces of pieodni 3 ply A Ho several pieces of magnificent pattern RLGs the Carp! Rooms of EEECHER mr4 Next door to Mich Rank 1 and Sursap OIt SALE A arm situated in lite town of Brighton Liv ingsfoh county 35 mde from IfeiruiL couiaimns i acres all enclosed by fence Ilk acre um cultivation ior ten 1 ufeut wmeh will ne made easy enquire of othre ui th'" judge therfo At life LaK Hous The above proper at Public Auction on the preimwr on Tuesday fife Ififfi mt unfrs previously dispo private sale tn4 HERI' s' ALL By virtue of a writ of fferi facias issued out of tie circuit eun for the county of Wayn lai of Mi chigan ite fifth dav of ebruary a our thuusaiid eight hundred and fotiy etgtu to aite dUvrerf Also a House on Michigan avenue 'he lot reirireedfo' a loi time Also Lot Nu 35 on south idr uf Lite ort st and in (toiumbia st I in neariv ever) pan of Michigan CARGILL uliee aid ellow Hall Lot No 12 in sec 4 on the curnt uf Jeffiyjun avemie and Randolph s' tert trout on tire avenue by 100 feel in depth with a alley in the rear The lueotiun uf tht fating it if the must eligible liusmrasr sites in tliecitv and its uize oflier rare iuuucrmruts for profitable in moment ui term applv to np25 WILLCOX GRAY TO The new 2 story rame Hour tHua ted on tne south side of Congress street Lain tert Bcau him arm now occupied by Ruben Tterinont Posses stun given 1st of Mav App ro Ll aptif 'CRANE Ac WESSON tteMrabi' buildmr Low ffiruaiod rfiffr pari ot tht citv The titie to ffir lure if ynrct ernu irst Goods of the Season rrvH have received by tte SieamiioalLiuungion a aomnent of direct front New YorkJ Rail Road io Buffalo Among them are large lot uf PAPER 5 natiifr Double Wrapping Pnpr 50 Si raw A Inn oolacap and Paper tor sale by i UAbhAUtU Confer lirifwow and WoMlbrnige sre Gardea Seeds for ISIS 4 COMPLETE ASRTME5Tof rh Car on hand and for sate by OlVEXk GO Also Dahlia Buii double good varieties ay N' ri HOI TO 1 E'l un lite east side ot St Antuine levin st now occupied ij MisrJJ' Keeffe Possession given 1st unri min ua ippij uo murj Eagle haihioii co hv th imdcr sigried the persons named in xbt a entitled ar art to incor porate tte Easle Harbor Mining Cutnpanj ruresed by the Legi ria tiire uf ffie state of Mic higan and approved by the Governor March folr hereby give notice that tht first meeting said coin papy tor tte terfefet of accepting said act electing officers adov ting by laws and taking uch other measure ns may te requisite to a full organisation ofaid under said act ill be held Oi I'sq Vtica Hon 7LH Hubbard Hon II Denio ThomasR Walker Eq ruarS? premia orneiiu lynn Judge Probate In the mail the raie Michael Dwyer decemfed reading and filing Hi duly verified of Mary Dwy widow of safe Michael Dwyer fare of afrfingwHl in tire emury of Wayne praying fo reason therein set forth that ofe mavte apnomreu administratrix said estate: TMwriuoww order ii that Mundav the firth dav te assignedire at lav fcI I tSififi fas Wagon SjiriirgH aosorted siz 5 jfkrti Buggy Axle? iMIV or sale low by de2 Neff Good Just Receired TVS AEBTL' AUCTION 30 citoer resh difrfet fr jtu Now York and Bwum via RailmatLerm ten of a I Mborimeut Aten 5 rmr Carervwa Tweed I etfeai wniGD are ior sfe at bulesute very 1 Murkel st Boston Itooiicite Muihson Os wego Huron and inrern A marting TO 1ITI A teir bte House at the ifead of Monroe'(mW Possession given wlLiO WALKER 1H1'GLAS CAMPBELL LIGHT! LIGHT C'MCTHIN'G NEW and jut tn thins lor every family reqm rinc and ho cheap tKi that mw rich and poor rar luv Iu Ji a neat CANDLESTICK making and wick nig it own candies out of cold tallow lard or any emm that will burn Bv ffimply turtiing the fartiotn of Caudtestirk a teautiful hard smooth candle te forced out of tle top and al any desired tengut from ine itirh to two fort higtu I It ts neat and simple a candleslick: consequently mav managed hv a child mraito of ffitfc you convert ah your refuse grease into ran ilfe andxbue otitavn a light at trom 1 Sets per week 3 Tlte wick dry anl smooth and no vibration or flickering of life tianie but burna like a sjerm candle 4 Tlte wirk mav te changed without at all ffteuirbiur the can dlr: if too large nut a filial' one or loo small a large one Yrm mil tn the ftottom ot the camliemaker or camiiealack wick uffic iem to lat 5 or 6 week? here it remain oat of sight and out of way 6 You may kp yw nt the same Ifeight al tte time Jot ten year no stunqur or prere left 7 Require reptenwbtng wiffi grease or tallow once a week No piUng of grttite it faite or zurne over betas neatly and eleanh a any lady could tie ire It cannot get tatt of order 10 In proof of their superiority utility and nealoeas rhe im ntene numler sold sufficient Thepr te umtormaBd rife Kime afi over the Vnited Stitts and tte ankle require only tohe seen to convince tlte mu: tucxedultej of tte foregoing fact No family wifi be without ffiein who can crae together the fitnaU jirict aeked With a small capital an active bufouesSb man cau make a quick and rofitabte ojteratitm by purchainr the monopoly of eNing this in treriton yet unsold erwms who ffitdre to embark in a neati pleasant and highly lucrative business are invited call al No 161 Jefferson avenue a few door above comer of Bate my4 ALDEN A CO CARS LEAVE DETROIT DA11A I I kwvxfA 1 IL A ti it i i i vt iti it i ti i V( ai STACEY lEAVE KALAM AZOO UAHV IW Hit arrival of I rd GEO 3 MOOW win oi His Show Room on the 2d floor on Tbursdav Aoril Sifth with a full stoef of Part Prfw Hau Vwiiere Choice Ribbons rench lowers and other desira ble rood Ladies are invited to examine this stock BW GEO MOOS ort or snr I'ns rirr 1 i and pleasant Ilwethnc Bousa: and 'Hit bui! done 1 1 utri uu iiwiui iicrr uscu iur iruii auu garuen chhiik! Miiwuii iif a urrivitig viuugr iuiiL ifo tn lies ot tnre cjlv 1 A giHK ponu lit busHteire and a rare chaiier for a wrehmg iu cany un a country ture or for a inevhumc desirotre of ubtam iug a prutK at a Great Bargain Enquin of LUTHR BEE'niER th'UI 132 Jefleroii avenue CABPETS' THE SUBSCRIBERS havrjusl received MwTork Railroad to Buffalo a quantity of winch in ahfi ton in their present tnrk enable tfa'm nth to tte ai nmnon of pireharre uh an naortmut a cannot lai! tomii evry taste and nt price greatly reduced i nree 1 wo Cotton Colton tte Lamp 5 Turjteutmc or salt by ap4 Michigan Land Tax Agency AND INTELLIGENCE CE Tte undersigned haring been for many year engaged in tte atovr buines hire with a view tu an extensive Real Etate Agency made himself jierrimstlltf and minutely acquainted iffi nv uriy every township in tilt rotate that tte nrrurjite iuforuiutioi tliu acquired tnlher with hi iKe itiunat lhe Em fHirtum of Michigan and connection will in variuu pans of tte Slate give hiin mure titan ordinary fociliffi? fife iran arting tte various duties cri his office he respectfully lender hiw rvtees to Proprietor and PurchaMrs uf tt eiera Iind Prumtd auc ixnumai atie attou ill be rirrn lotiu Mchac and bale of Lind Sujiervision and Payment Taxes Rrtenifatun uf Lands aold Exumination of Tilte Recording of I teed and other papers Iniorrnaliun tmth general and imituiP wifl te fttnted to ownre of lante or te Emigrants and tettlera tn regard to tte situation and character of ktnffi any prrtion of tte alate the snil timber irmins improvements of the country 4tc Tte mol rrdSuuable charg may in all te reliud tm BELA HLBBAKll Ojtice Nu 41 IVtHidttard AraiaeDutroit REEKKNCEfi Detroit Guv Juhn Barry Hun arnsworth Hon Walker Hastings Higsims Lq New O'uritaiidt Palmer Esq CL Tucker Dwignt jr Col Tte Perkins JS5 Bar boar Eaq Dr eth Hinton Hon Bradford tit Tutefo with ssrs lente and Dictev Duihiid ior and Lafayrw passin: IS4S Central Rail Road Line ISIS ttOM DETROIT TO CHICAGO 'Threw gh in 32 Honrs AEETu rHICGG cs5o I PAID AT DETROIT X' Tht annual turrnnj ut the Stockholder of theN Gibraltar and lat Ruck Company for tte election iff Direc tor and for the transaction of ouch otter busines as may be oec tsary to be dune will fa held in accordance with the chatter ff safe company on Tuesday the thirteenth day of June next at the houoe ot Blake) inUtecrtv ufGibralter By orter of tte Board uf Dfeeviwe of aid company ap24dtJel3 EDMUND VOTICE i tereby gi ve that the lias tlte day accepted train Alrx'r Grant an aajgimeni of aU fit effects tor the benefit ot hi creditor All )erun lutving demand gainst life said Grant wid present item for adjuuueut and all ifer fOii indebted to riit said Grunt are required in make immedi ate payment ic tte subscriber A HUMSTEAD Northville April 21 14 aputicDw wSt ai OHtikIr By virtue of a writ of fieri facias issued out the circuit court for the county of Wavne and state uf Michigai agafosi the good aiiu chattefa fante and tenements of I John i Eyuii tu nic dire ud and delivered 1 have Uns dav lev I ed ujmju and taken all ihc right Urie and interest of tte ud Rv an oi in and io The loliow tng described piece or parcel of iaid io wit the north hat! oi the west hail of the nonnrm nmrtr nC ted ou te north mteuf La street corner of irei 1 section th ent cutin town two south of ransrinuf east beine street Cass arm The bouse is entirely new und con acres of land: which 1 shall expose to sale ar auction on veiip utly arranged Posscsaiun givei 1st Mav in mn ca ot June next at wo clock a ante trout Apply to apttf CRANE WESSON I ioot tin Wayut ruuuly court houe in the era of Detroit uiat i Sfeuig UK place unere uu circuit court xor sum county is held to uic mgties fodder as the taw direct May fate EDWARD CJCVTT Sheriff Bi A Jursso Under Sheriff HERI By virtue of a writ offieri facia issued nut uf life curcuitcuurt tor the county of lVayifesiuic of Michigan fix 1 ri a 11 I If VJ nu MT i ill ilr VH (kt VUI LAIIU tlXfe UKIU' sand right hundred and lurtv rignt me directed and delivered again! tn goods and rliatteta laud and tenements of George Ja rub ilale I have ihi day levied unon and taken all ttenght title aifi ni the raid Hakrot in and to the following described tu wit: allinoi pefee or parcel of land lying and fauna ib tin of Hamtramck mon parucufarh known bound i cd and described 't heme kit Nu 21 the suifes vismn rifthe I Ltd' farm (su rated' ni jirivaie land claim No 14 or No off i 15 tferorthng iu Aaron Gre survey of said tract as i ap rar la the recent urvey id raid tract by Edward Jeruineahd Hounded suffiitfejsrTij by ht url Gratiot Road easterly by a cer ivei aurj ur ruau ifeiwen mis iraci ana land betongme tn count nf Wayne north rsteriy and soutliununerly by lands mu bj Edward Ifasnoyurs containing kur 3fa K)oi acre jr or Alsu the right title and iuit rot of the said Hake art ur tut bat concttfeion ot said survey No 15 con Ai a "sinn nf the Profane Conn for the countv ot I Wayne hoiffim at rhe office of the Jute? rlicreof at the city of De 9 1k 1 1 ev 5 fl srxv 1 a juu Uli iu i jun in kur ivui vm lAyLtitlXG NfwOii Jeffereon A venue tc i thousand eight hundred and fom eight rU tl 1 1 i mil ijvi itl UL UK I I 21 II U1U Vf Hotel ariursattd hali tour rhamfan fo iling room iiaiitn kiichen widi water inside cedar barn wouu tiuiw and yard Rent rennbb' xveu iuiuk tiiateh Enquire at store of LL'THER BEECHER The well known Steamer Brothers I CAPT WALTER EBERTS Commenced making regular iril for tire tason Monday Anri! 1 3d from Cisatiiam to itedour jjciroit and Juihcrtburg' and vice versa as foltows Leave Windsor and Detroit for Chatham cvcrv Tuesday Thursday and batunfay moritiwg at IU a Leave Chatham for Windsor and Detroit every Monday Wrdne day and riday morning at a i ib connection with a DAILY LLXE POST COACHES Thnmgh by day light io Ixjmion thru to Brantford Hamilton and Queensnn Tin: read tetwren Chatham and Ixmdon in repair rom ixn km tt Brantford the mad is Mncatteuized and throughout life entire hue is one iff the first roads Canada This route offer? every facility to travellers with Private Carria ges or by the public conveyances which are not to te equalled hi any utter part of Ainencu tie grjodb auu rhuiwfa lands and nennmis Revnolffi Gilb Jam' Han met Thomas Clark and Harriet Cclaml have levied upon ah the rigid ttiie and interest of Reynold Gii let in and lite foltowiui: piece or parrels of land known and I as toilown tu wt: Log riumtered two and three on tffe north ic oi Congress street and west of Cass street in block nnmlfer twelve 12 said too tentc on Ue uurih westerh cjriir ofCor grrs and Cass rreeu in the city ofD' troit county vn ana stat? of Michigan raid levy was made on tte six tvrnlh (te (' 14 at 4 o'clock And cm tte tv mnth te of Anrit fair nt o'clock a ti I also until a levy upon al: tht right title and mierest of tht raid Reynold Gillet ty tiriui of tte same execution in and to the following tract of i lain: tu wi! ah mat evruur piect or pare cl uf land lying on the Detroit nvr it: the township of Hamtrann county of Wayne i anc slate of Michigan tte place called Grand Marais and known as private claim numter confirmed tu Pierre Rivard and pa il iam Hub a signee of raid Rivard containing 34 5te )t0 a part of tte same land conveyed to raid Gillet teJuhn Wooteyand hi wife by deed tearing date 3fat and rrrorded in tire records for the coiinre of Wayne Ibufdeedfe pas? 2 and Also by virtue of the ram execution did cm tte 29th day of April fa fa make lew ujon all the right and interna of tte raid Reynold ns and the following tract of land known and ierrifad 1 a pillowv tract tying on the Itetrort nver adjoining and tetow the tra above terited kiivtniM private claim numbr i 72L confirmed to Baptiste Laderoute containing J5 acrei bruts the rame tract conveyed it raid Gillet by Arcluuige Laut rowit by uf November 13: 1 121 recordecl in tte records for tlie county ufWayite tate uf Michigan laninued a follows te gimimg at a iost taudmg on tte border of Ikrtroit rivet between tin tract and a trtet ccmfiriifed tu Gabriel hn thence north thirty degree wtsi one hundred and sixteen chain to a iot thence north fiftc mw degrees east nine chains to a join standing on tht? wrti fine a tract confirmed to Pierre Knard lie tic' south thirty ouc degrees at hundred and uiuwwii chains ami forrv six link a pu lauding on the terd of Detroit nv er fa tween tin tract and a tract confirmed to Isaac Toud ttence along the iMirocr oi raid river south eighty degrees wM ime 1 chains iuny tix link to the pface of beginning cuutaiumg one hundred and live acre aim nu six one hundredths more or mi AU of the immtiuiied parcels uf land 1 shall I cxoe tor sale sopHratelv a fife taw directs al public auction to the highest bidder at the iront door of the court houv in tbr citi of Detroit it faung the place terr tte circuit court tor 1 the routin' of Wayne fa held) un Monday the nineteenth day of June next at kick in tht iorenoun 1 EDWARD CICOTT Siwiiff of ayne Co Lake Go 2d Wall ev York Thumpsun 4 Gro VVhite Prvs't While Bank of Buffalo Thad Scares Pratt Bank Handy Com) Branch Bank Cleveland VV VV WtthereK Cashier Sandusky City Bank Sandusky drc21dawly Neff Spring and Summer Goods TH Suleriter has just returned from New ort ith a choicetuck of goad in his fine consisting ofCiulte Casimcte and i Vestings inch nr prepared lu tuske to (fedvr in the must proved styk He ba aiso on hand a choice stock of Ready mate COATS ANTS ami VESTS which he will eil cheap for rash IIN GOODS ilk sad Cotton Under Shiru and in Collars and Itasaias Susqfeuderx I W'au VLU Olli i VUU hrutrd ni ti' United Slates to Philip Pettier and more particular i It kiiimi ltr 22 Mj'trd life ti fife wiirvm nttd iftevisin i Intel 5ril( i by Edward westerly Lt iHUdxmiruu murrire fiuruu nuruteasieriy lanas uw ueti NL tiH su cfiumy of Wayne or a certain 20 itet aiirv or road tmulb Mfiifeffuife I tilu HuiuiwcMenj uy ui i oi uk sui pofe iun life ictluu Hcrekousi luured tel ween Batoe I 7 a cted Lab farm tte same 5 and Randolph streefa Apfav to i teing in raid tuwiednp oi Hauiiramcei te tte tuore or 1e 1 Aiw iiiM flt ir imrrol fniji yi PU VT iu bark con ui tte Beauteat farm ur urivatt land claim No 14 faung 17 acre? more or less Which 1 snail ptthhc auction to the highest bidtier ois Mondaj it next at 10 o'rluck a jm nt the irmt door of in ttie city of Detroit it teing trie pface where Budin BEm II JSStty STORAGE and Commiioti DETROIT Ware Hme ricv afawe and directly opjmur New Depot 200 oz Morphine 20 fiiil ri I lie first railing itenm leaves Nnmftiivs WeffifemiiH and Toledo leitving Toledo mrernaie i AlraLut 1HC HOI it hi yes i an mors "tage ih mnew fcfc ill iM I If A 1 4 fl tc uu fir sale or rent mi the preimss Williams Co i t7 'Ait si 1 1 ms rsiutn jaVi Arent Mnllisnii Oswego Agent 17 oentits Shn 'ills itts qJLff ajL ior rale by P7C Ay 0 5 GEO It PEA kX I a I yggaaga 1 I.

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About Detroit Free Press Archive

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Detroit Free Press from Detroit, Michigan (2025)


What is the biggest newspaper in Detroit? ›

The Detroit Free Press is the largest daily newspaper in Detroit, Michigan, US. The Sunday edition is titled the Sunday Free Press.

Who runs the Detroit Free Press? ›

The Free Press is owned by Gannett and is the larger of Metro Detroit's two major dailies (the other being the Detroit News) and has received eight Pulitzer Prizes. Editorially, the Free Press is considered to be more liberal than The Detroit News.

Where is Detroit Free Press printed? ›

Detroit Free Press Building
Architectural styleArt Deco / Art Moderne
Location321 W. Lafayette Boulevard Detroit, Michigan
Coordinates42.33°N 83.0508°W
Construction started1924
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How do I contact Detroit News? ›

How do I contact Customer Service? To get help with your account or subscription, call 1-800-395-3300 or chat online here.

Is the Detroit free press the same as The Detroit News? ›

The Detroit Free Press and Detroit News are Michigan's largest newspapers. Under a 1987 joint operating agreement, the Detroit Media Partnership publishes, distributes, and sells advertising for both papers. The papers are owned separately and employ independent news staffs and websites.

Is Detroit Free Press liberal or conservative? ›

Detroit Free Press
Bias RatingLean Left
TypeNews Media
OwnerGannett Company
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Who was the most famous group to come out of Detroit? ›

In the late 1960s, two well-known high-energy rock bands emerged from Detroit – the MC5 and Iggy and the Stooges. These two bands laid the groundwork for the future punk and hard rock movements in the late 1970s.

How much do you get paid at the Detroit Free Press? ›

The estimate average salary for Detroit Free Press employees is around $100,107 per year, or the hourly rate of Detroit Free Press rate is $48.

How much is an obituary in Detroit Free Press? ›

Placing an obituary in the Detroit Free Press starts at $50.00.

Does USA Today own Detroit Free Press? ›

Get in touch with us about stories happening in your community, questions or concerns, and how to purchase our content for personal or professional use. This site is part of the USA TODAY Network and is owned and operated by Gannett Co., Inc.

What does the Detroit Free Press cost? ›

*After 3 months, Sunday + Thursday + Friday Print Delivery + Digital will be $35/month. The Sunday Only Print Delivery + Digital will be $19/month after 3 months. For full details of the Terms and Conditions associated with your Detroit Free Press subscription please visit

What is the phone number for the Detroit free press? ›

You can cancel at any time by calling Customer Service at 1-800-395-3300.

Is the Detroit News conservative? ›

Editorially, The News is considered more conservative than the Free Press. However, it considers itself libertarian. In an editorial statement printed in 1958, The News described itself as consistently conservative on economic issues and consistently liberal on civil liberties issues.

Who publishes the Detroit Free Press? ›

What is the largest daily newspaper? ›

News Corp's business-focused The Wall Street Journal (555,182) and The New York Times (267,639) remain the biggest dailies in the US, although their print circulations fell by 14% and 13% year-on-year respectively.

Is Detroit news a conservative newspaper? ›

Editorially, The News is considered more conservative than the Free Press. However, it considers itself libertarian. In an editorial statement printed in 1958, The News described itself as consistently conservative on economic issues and consistently liberal on civil liberties issues.

What is the largest printed newspaper? ›

Top newspapers by circulation
1The Yomiuri ShimbunJapan
2The Asahi ShimbunJapan
4Dainik BhaskarIndia
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Is the Detroit Free Press liberal? ›

About Detroit Free Press's Bias Rating

Detroit Free Press is a news media source with an AllSides Media Bias Rating™ of Lean Left.

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Author: Fr. Dewey Fisher

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Views: 5986

Rating: 4.1 / 5 (42 voted)

Reviews: 81% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Fr. Dewey Fisher

Birthday: 1993-03-26

Address: 917 Hyun Views, Rogahnmouth, KY 91013-8827

Phone: +5938540192553

Job: Administration Developer

Hobby: Embroidery, Horseback riding, Juggling, Urban exploration, Skiing, Cycling, Handball

Introduction: My name is Fr. Dewey Fisher, I am a powerful, open, faithful, combative, spotless, faithful, fair person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.